Add this beautiful tradition to your Holy Week
A few years ago, our parish began holding a Tenebrae service and we found it a beautiful way to participate in the solemn beauty of Holy Week.
Tenebrae is a Latin word that means “shadows,” and it is an ancient form of worship, done by candlelight, that provides an opportunity to prayerfully reflect on our Lord’s suffering and death. It is composed of a series of Scripture readings and songs, which are punctuated by the gradual extinguishing of candles that symbolize the gradual extinguishing of Christ’s life on the cross.
The liturgy culminates in almost complete darkness, followed by a loud noise that symbolizes the earthquake that occurred when Jesus died, and it concludes with a single light reappearing that reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus’ resurrection.
Now, while Tenebrae services are slowly becoming more popular, many families still aren’t able to attend one at their local parish.
Enter our newest download: Tenebrae Service At-Home (votive candle craft)

In this download, we have provided a variation of the traditional Tenebrae you can do at home!
Download includes the Scripture readings, prayers, and bonus votive candle wraps that can be used to pray a Tenebrae Service at home as a family.
Your kids can color and cut out each of the votive candle wraps for each candle so they have a visual for each meditation.
Then, Mom or Dad can lead the service by lighting each of the candles, reading the Scripture citations, and extinguishing each candle at the end of the Scripture reading.
Gradually, the candles are extinguished symbolizing Jesus’ Passion ending with His Death on the cross.
The liturgy ends with only a single candle lit, which represents the hope in Christ’s resurrection, and a loud noise meant to symbolize the earthquake that occurred after Jesus died. When there is only one candle left lit, the Tenebrae service should end with a loud sound, for example, knocking on a table or closing a book loudly. Spend a few minutes in silent reflection.
This is an instant download that can be used over and over again year:
Now, another option that includes the Tenebrae download plus 3 other resources for Holy Week!

Everything you need to keep your family focused during the final week leading up to Easter Sunday with these 4 resources.
Begin on Palm Sunday by diving into the Lenten Adventure Activity Book (with daily activities every day through Divine Mercy Sunday).
As the week begins, allow your children to begin crafting the Tenebrae at-home candle wraps and decide when you will hold your at-home service (don’t worry–all instructions are included in the download).
Print your Good Friday Gospel Coloring Companion and bring it to Good Friday Service so kids can follow along during the longggg Gospel. On Holy Saturday, make your own Paschal Candle that can be set in the place of honor for Easter!
This Holy Week Survival Kit includes everything you need to have a prayerful, focused, and HOLY week with your family.

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!