Since we released this prayer card, we’ve been getting this question:
“How do I explain plenary indulgences to my kids?”
Here is an easy (and age-appropriate) way to explain it:
An indulgence is “the remission before God of the temporal punishment due for sins already forgiven as far as their guilt is concerned.”
This means that when we sin, there is a need to have God forgive those sins (to remit the eternal punishment for them) and there is also a need to remit the temporal punishment–that is, the effects of the sin need to be cleaned up before getting to Heaven.
You hurt your brother–and he forgives you…but he still has to suffer the effects of what you did to him (the pain, the bruise, or–God forbid!–the blood).
Or you make a mess of your room because you are mad at your mom–and she forgives you…but you still need to clean up your room (yep!).
Poor souls in Purgatory are still getting the effects of sin in their souls cleaned up before they can go to Heaven. Now, they HAVE been forgiven by God and will eventually go to Heaven, but like the bedroom example, they still need to clear their room (aka makeup for the effects of the sin on their soul).
There is something YOU can do while still on earth to help them!
You can offer a plenary indulgence for them so that ALL the “clean up” needed in Purgatory for their sins on earth is completed.
This is an example of ways that Catholics can help each other:
The Saints in Heaven (the Church Triumphant) can pray for us here on earth while we (the Church Militant) can pray for the souls in Purgatory (the Church Suffering).

Now, there is a special Plenary Indulgence coming up:
From All Saints Day through Nov 8th every year, a special Plenary Indulgences is available to be applied ONLY to the holy souls in purgatory.
There are specific requirements–and special ones on All Souls Day!–but this card explains them all.
PLUS with this card, you can note the names of each dearly departed by the date you will offer an indulgence for them–a sweet way to recall newly departed family members.
This is such an important way for everyone to participate in the Universal Church (plus: it’s a Spiritual Work of Mercy).

I DO NOT BELEIVE any of us die with out some sin on our soul. Mostly little petty sins, but not grevious
To get to heaven we must be spotless, so we go to purgatory to be cleansed of our sin. ( purged in fire ) If we die with serious sin we go to hell for eternity, and will burn forever in the fires of hell.
There is No Purgatory. When you die you go to Heaven if you have been born again. If not you go to Hell until the White Throne judgement and then you are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.
Read the King James version of the Bible.
Be prepared. Ask the LORD for wisdom
Here’s a thorough explanation for you But for a few Bible verses for you to contemplate: (1) Jesus is plain about the existence of Purgatory, too, in Matthew 5:24-25, and (2) the plainest text is from Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15. God bless!