When you hear about the Works of Mercy, when was the last time you heard about this one? It is actually prevented from being accomplished in today’s world, but here’s how to join us in a way that you can do from home.
What Work of Mercy is it?
Visit the imprisoned.
Prisons are locked down with no visitors–not even relatives–allowed in. So what can anyone do?
A good friend of ours, Eric Genuis, has a prison ministry that is as unique as it is far-reaching. Eric is a renowned concert pianist and composer. He composes and performs most of the music for our Glory Stories saint stories, Holy Heroes Inside the Sacraments DVDs, and we also have several of his music CDs for sale on our website (some are solo Eric on piano or his piano with violin, and others are full orchestral recordings by the Slovak National Symphony Orchestra).
Through his “Concerts for Hope,” Eric brings world-class musicians to prisons to present a beauty which most inmates have never encountered.
But he and his musicians haven’t been allowed into prisons for 5 months now due to the pandemic, so he has developed another program to “visit” prisoners through the South Carolina Department of Corrections.
Clara explains it all in the short video below and asks for you to join us–from your own home. This is an urgent project with a 2-week timeline, so please watch and help us if you can.
This is a Corporal Work of Mercy that is so very rarely performed–and so very much needed right now.
Prison libraries are small, and after 5 months of lock-down, we’re told many prisoners have read all the books they have in them.
We cannot physically go to these prisons right now, but we can send books and through these books you are visiting the prisoners with your love. Christ Himself was a prisoner, as were many of the Apostles and many saints, martyrs, and Catholics around the world today.
Please join us, your Holy Heroes Adventure Guides, and Eric Genuis in assuring these inmates that they are not forgotten.
Please address the books you mail (and do so before August 6th) to:
Deputy Director Nena Staley (with Eric Genuis)
“Books behind Bars”–South Carolina Dept of Corrections
4444 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC. 29210
They accept all books: novels, fiction, nonfiction, mystery, suspense, children’s books, series collections, religious, and more! They will NOT accept books that glorify violence and crime, nor romance books that are sexually explicit or pornographic.
Please: all reading levels are accepted, as prisoners have varying degrees of education and reading abilities. Even children’s books are wanted.
We are donating several dozen of our Picture Bibles and others of our publications, plus as many books we can gather from our home, thrift stores, and flea markets! We’ve been cleaning out side attics for months–now we know what to do with them! All books are welcome!
If you would like to learn more about Concerts for Hope, Eric Genuis has created this short video below. Our family has been a monthly donor to this works for years now:
PS Want some materials for all ages to teach your children about the Works of Mercy? The 7 Spiritual as well as the 7 Corporal Works? We have a variety of materials from full-color books to coloring books (and even a card game!) plus insight from Saints Faustina and Mother Teresa of Calcutta–>just click here. Through performing the Works of Mercy, Christ transforms our souls and hearts in His Image!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!
I plan on mailing mine out tomorrow. It’s in a box, and I’ll use Media Mail, so it won’t arrive before August 6. Is that a problem?
They asked for books to arrived by August 6th, but if they are a little late, they will hopefully still be able to add them to the trucks!
It’s August 11th. Are they still accepting donations?
Unfortunately, they are no longer accepting donations for this book drive. Thank you for your support! Perhaps you will be able to find another book drive near you!
Do you guys needs rosaries too?
Hmmm, that’s a really good question! Right now, all we have been told is that we can drop off books–unless we hear otherwise, I would stick to just sending books since some of these facilities are incredibly restrictive as to what can be allowed in.
Do you think holy cards would be okay?
Hmmm, I’m not sure about that. Perhaps if you tucked them in books as bookmarks they would be accepted? Might be worth a try!
Wow! Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts you have given to our brothers in Christ. Keep up the wonderful job you guys! May the Lord continue to bless you all and serve the Lord.
Wonderful idea! Any other prisons needing books? We will ship by August 6th! God bless!
I am sure there are many, many other prisons in need of books! This is the only program that has been brought to our attention so far. We are on the lookout for other opportunities as I am sure there are many others.
Thank you for letting everyone in on this great opportunity!!
I pray that this will lead to many graces and conversions.
Will definitely be sending books their way 😉
Thank you so much!!
Are these books only for male prisoners?
No, both male and female!
Dear Holy Heroes,
What a wonderful idea! I will attempt to get a box of books out on Monday. Please continue to share these ideas with us, especially anything that supports and strengthens the family. Happy to help out. Please keep me in prayer. I have been unemployed for 4 years (and counting). I also ask your prayers for the work I believe the Lord has called me to do, “Coffee Break with Carlos Michael”. Thank you.
We will pray for you, Carlos! Thank you
I will be happy to pray for your work, too!