Two of the three children of Fatima, Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta, were 9 and 10 years old when they died. That makes them the youngest people ever canonized by the Church, apart from martyrs. 

When Pope John Paul II arrived in Rome to beautify them, he was met by throngs of children who were dressed like Jacinta and Francisco.

Pope John Paul II said, “Our Lady needs you–all!” and he told them everything they need to do to change the world. 

The story of Fatima is the story how Catholic children dramatically changed history in our times by being obedient to Our Lady’s plan from Heaven. 

Today, we want to put into your hands an action plan for families. All we must do is ask what Lucia did, every time Our Lady appeared:

“What would you like me to do?”

However, unlike Lucia, we KNOW what Our Lady needs us to do and we can create a family action plan to fulfill these requests!

  1. Order our Fatima Family Handbook
  2. Read it together as a family (a great read-aloud with REAL photographs!)
  3. Fill in the work pages at the back of the handbook with your family’s unique ways to fulfill Our Lady’s three requests

Written for your children to absorb, ponder, and plan, our Fatima Family Handbook lays out the practical steps you can take to respond to the requests sent from Heaven to 3 children in Portugal 100 years ago.

You’ll learn:

  • What Our Lady was requested of the Fatima children–and us!–and how we can fulfill Heaven’s plan for YOUR family.
  • Insights and explanations from Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia–their very words about what the Fatima Apparitions taught them (and how to practice it)!
  • How Fatima can be considered “a mini-catechism” providing supernatural proof for so many truths of the Faith!
  • Commentary from the Popes explaining the lessons we should learn from this world-altering Marian apparition. 
  • And so much more.

AND–we are including FREE How to Make the Five First Saturdays pamphlet with every Fatima Family Handbook order!

Now, if your kids like to keep their hands busy while you read aloud, we also have a companion 20-page coloring download! Your littles can color along to the Fatima story while you read!

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