How do you use a Spiritual Journal?
This is a question that can be intimidating to most adults!
Spiritual Journaling can seem pretentious or perhaps even unnecessary as a means of spiritual growth.
However, having a place to organize and keep track of your spiritual life is an important habit for anyone who wants advance spiritually. And–it isn’t just for adults! If a child is old enough to write, they are old enough to begin learning this important spiritual habit.
I promise–it is much easier to teach than you think!
I took a few minutes to break down our Spiritual Journals and show the components that make this helpful (for kids and adults!) in building a strong spiritual life.
If you would rather read than watch, scroll below where I break down what I share in the video.
First, organization is key for a spiritual journal!
How many times has someone asked you to pray for them and you assure them you will…only to completely forget within minutes?
A good spiritual journal will have a place to keep track of your prayers lists so you can remember who is in need of prayers. It is also helpful for keeping track of what prayers have been answered!
Another important form of organization is having a place to keep track of when you last went to Confession. Next to where you keep track of Confession, it is also helpful to have a place to keep track of any other particular spiritual practices you are working to develop (daily Mass, a daily Rosary, etc.).
Next, journaling prompts that encourage you to reflect.
Many people struggle with spiritual journaling because they are unsure what to write about.
Remove the guess work from spiritual journaling with daily jounaling prompts. These Prayer Prompt Cards are a great example of this with a different card for each Liturgical Season and a variety of daily prompts (with options for both morning and evening).
A few examples from from the Lenten Season card:
How can I try to hear the Holy Spirit’s call to me today?
How will I look for the sacifices God wants me to make today?
Another great spiritual journaling aid is our “Only for Today: The Daily Decalogue of Pope John XXIII” cards. These simple prompts are easy ways for you to focus your day on doing just one thing for the glory of God (the daily decalogues are also included on the Ordinary Time card).
Finally, encouragement to utalize the Sacraments.
Keeping track of when you go to Confession and of your daily Mass attendance need to be apart of your spiritual journaling so you can strive to improve your attendance of the Sacraments.
One things that can be especially helpful for younger Catholics are the Confession Tear-Out Sheets in the back of our Spiritual Journals. These allow kids to make a list of what they plan to confess and tear it up after they finish. Both practical and satifying!
If you already have a spiritual journal, but would like your kids to utalize these Confession Sheets, you can find them in our Confession Pack for Kids. If you have already purchased our Confession Pack and just need additional Confession Sheets, we have a refill pack here!
I hope my video and these suggestions encourage you to begin spiritual journaling! Spiritual journaling can help you focus on Jesus as you move through your daily life. It will help you develop habits around attending the sacraments and give you a way to look back on how far you have come (and perhaps how far you have still to go).
Parents, begin introducing spiritual journaling to your family life and encourage your children in this practice! It will bear much fruit in both the personal lives of each family member and your domestic church as a whole!
There are many other small things that you may find helpful in your spiritual journal like a pocket to keep your collection of holy cards and prayer promps (which you can find in our Spiritual Journal!).
Please share what has been helpful in your spiritual journaling in the comments!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!