It’s finally here! Our newest product, The Life of Jesus According to St. Luke!

You may have read my previous blog post about the first book in the series: Who is Jesus: His Life, His Land, His Time. For people who loved that book as much as I did, this second installment is a long-awaited arrival!

AND: I am happy to report that this book lives up to all my expectations!

Based on the life of Jesus from the perspective of the Gospel of St. Luke, this book is filled with information that most laypeople don’t know (probably thanks to the two priests who are co-authors). I especially loved this book’s explanations of the social system of Jesus’ time, the cultural context underlying many of Jesus’ parables and miracles. Jesus intentionally chose the analogies He used, what He said and what He did–to make what He was trying to communicate CLEAR to the people of His day and place.

We need to understand the context, too, or we miss the power felt by those who met Jesus when He walked the earth!

It is also full of pictures (now including full-page pictures), short chapters, and fun facts! They all combine to bring wonder and spark your imagination.

Not only perfect for a bedtime story (wow! I would have loved Dad reading this to me and showing me the pictures), but also for older kids as a supplementary theology assignment, or just simply a great addition to any Catholic kid’s bookshelf!

Here are just some of the things that I learned from the book (making the Sunday Gospel readings at Mass make much more sense):

  • Why it was so significant that Zechariah did not name John the Baptist after himself (Pg 17)?
  • What happened each week in the Synagogue on the Sabbath (Pg 28)
  • The origin of the word “mercy” reveals a deeper meaning than we usually give it (Pg 34)
  • The reason we say the words, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” during the Mass (Pg 36)
  • What all the parts of the Temple looked like, and what pious Jews did as part of their religion (Pg 48-49)
  • Why tax collectors (even the good ones) were so disliked (Pg 64)
  • What was the most important feast on the Jewish calendar–and how long did it last (Pg 77)
  • What the Sanhedrin was and why it was so powerful–more than you know! (Pg. 81)

Plus: A bonus section about the Bible–where it comes from and how it helps us grow closer to Christ!

Plus Plus: A short history of the origin and growth of the original Christian community!

Plus Plus Plus: A short history of the Jewish people, their faith, and how Jesus fit and did not fit their perception of the Messiah. 

This book is a great follow-up to the previous book or great on its own! It engages kids (like me!) while being packed full of information. As Christmas approaches, it’s a great way to incorporate the life of Jesus into the giving of gifts! I hope you love it as much as I do!

PS Don’t have the first book yet? Then you should get the 2-book set with both Who is Jesus and Life of Jesus at a discounted price.

Check out more reading recommendations from me HERE

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