In the midst of teaching and sharing information, how can we truly prepare the hearts of children to receive their First Confession? 

This summer, I created a 9 day Novena for kids as they prepare for their 1st Confession.

This simple, beautiful, and thought-provoking Novena includes:

  • a prayer for the parish priest who will give the First Confession,
  • a prayer for making a good examination of conscience,
  • 2 Traditional prayers before Confession,
  • and 4 others that will help prepare the heart of the child!

Parishes–we also offer unlimited printing rights so you can print this Novena for your entire class!

This is such a beautiful resource to have on hand as each of your children prepares for their First Confession!

Once you have our Novena for First Confession, think ahead to First Communion.

Here’s the thing–there are a lot of textbooks, videos, and information available about what to TEACH your child leading up to their First Communion. Important things like who we believe the Eucharist is, how to participate in Mass, and even the scientific evidence that supports our belief in transubstantiation.

That is all very important for children to learn…however, we are here to suggest that there is often a missing piece in First Communion preparation.

The First Communion Day is the beginning of a lifelong relationship with the Eucharist. 

So–in the midst of teaching and sharing information, how can we truly prepare the hearts of First Communicants to fall in love with Jesus in the Eucharist?

This Novena for First Communicants was downloaded by hundreds of parishes within the first week of its release.

Here is what people are saying:

“I wish this had existed earlier! I am excited to use this with my class next year!”

“I just downloaded the First Communion Noveva- I love it!”

“We loved this Novena! Thank you! My daughter had a beautiful day”

Over 9 days, this Novena includes:

  • a prayer for the parish priest who will celebrate the First Communion,
  • a prayer to Blessed Imelda (the patroness of First Communicants), 
  • a prayer to the Guardian Angel,
  • 2 Traditional Eucharistic prayers,
  • and 4 others that will help prepare the heart of the First Communicant!

Add this Novena to your First Communion prep and help your child’s new relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist blossom.

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