We have been looking forward to the beatification of Venerable Fulton Sheen for several years now!

Now that the Attorney General of New York’s report on the dioceses of New York is concluded, and the review of the Diocese of Rochester did not find any misconduct of Bishop Fulton Sheen during his tenure as Bishop of Rochester (confirming the meticulous investigation by the Holy See for his canonization process), a petition has been started to request a rescheduled date for the beatification ceremony in the Diocese of Peoria.

We have signed the petition and hope you will too! And…we may be working on a special Holy Heroes resource (*cough*Glory Story*cough*) once Fulton Sheen is officially beatified!

You can sign the petition below:

Have you heard of Fulton Sheen’s Recommendation for Kids?

Yup, Ven. Fulton Sheen suggested this resource specifically for Catholic kids!

Clara has a quick video showing the book that Fulton Sheen recommended:

The direct quote from Archbishop Fulton Sheen (soon to be beatified–we hope!) says,

“This Picture Bible for all ages is an excellent introduction to those who do not know the Bible and an excellent review for those who do.”

This Picture Bible on sale now has been one of our top-selling products since Holy Heroes began!

This book is beloved by so many Catholic kids and would be an awesome Easter Basket addition!

PS–find more UNIQUE Catholic Easter Basket Fillers HERE

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