This NEW resource was created after the overwhelming response to our $1 coloring book sale earlier this month (this coloring book is still on sale).

After nearly selling out of our Blessed Imelda coloring books in just 36 hours (we have 31 copies left here), we realized that there was a HUGE and SPECIFIC need in First Communion preparation. Parishes were buying huge quantities of our Blessed Imelda coloring book, citing the hope that this Patroness of First Communicants would inspire kids to fall in love with the Eucharist.

Here’s the thing–there are a lot of textbooks, videos, and information available about what to TEACH your child leading up to their First Communion. Important things like who we believe the Eucharist is, how to participate in Mass, and even the scientific evidence that supports our belief in transubstantiation.

That is all very important for children to learn…however, we are here to suggest that there is often a missing piece in First Communion preparation.

The First Communion Day is the beginning of a lifelong relationship with the Eucharist. 

So–in the midst of teaching and sharing information, how can we truly prepare the hearts of First Communicants to fall in love with Jesus in the Eucharist?

Here is what we suggest–a simple, beautiful, and thought-provoking Novena.

This 10-page download includes 9 daily prayers with companion images (that can be colored or just used as a visual meditation).

The daily prayers include:

  • a prayer for the parish priest who will celebrate the First Communion,
  • a prayer to Blessed Imelda (the patroness of First Communicants), 
  • a prayer to the Guardian Angel,
  • 2 Traditional Eucharistic prayers,
  • and 4 others that will help prepare the heart of the First Communicant!

This Novena aims at reaching the hearts of children as they slowly pray and ponder the immense importance of their First Communion Day.

Please–can you share this blog post with your parish DRE? We would love for this Novena to be shared with as many First Communicants as possible!

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