Please join us in praying together with the Catholic homeschooling community for a holy, fruitful, and productive school year!

Are you new to homeschooling this year? Are you preparing for this fall with trepidation and concern?

Or perhaps you have been a homeschooling mother for many years but want to prepare more intentionally this year.

In preparation for back to school in August, we will be sharing a Novena for Homeschooling Mothers that was originally published in 1888! With 9 daily prayers and meditations, this is a beautiful way for mothers to spiritually prepare themselves for the joys and challenges of the upcoming school year!

We will release the 9 days of the Novena on our blog beginning on August 6th.

Make sure you are signed up below to receive the 9 days of the Novena:

Please share this blog post with your homeschooling friends!

It will be so powerful when a large group of mothers pray together (and for each other)!

Don’t forget to get your Catholic Daily Desktop Planner–>we sell out every year so claim yours!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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