With the Christmas season over, kids can easily think that all the “fun” of the liturgical year is now finished. But Ordinary Time is filled with wonderful celebrations and important moments!

With our FREE weekly Mass Prep program, we help nearly 30,000+ families prepare and get excited for Sunday Mass!

Get a sneak peek at this Sunday’s Gospel video below:

We release these videos every week so make sure you are signed up:

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Another thing that can help your kids fully embrace Ordinary Time is by diving into the Mass.

When kids struggle to pay attention during Mass, it’s often because they don’t understand what is happening. 

Enter our Participating at Holy Mass coloring book (download option also available)!

This unique coloring book takes you step-by-step through:

  • What to do when you enter the church
  • What to look for in the church
  • What to watch for (and why) during Holy Mass
  • What your response is to everything you see and hear during Mass–the words, the gestures, the postures!

Whether used at home, in a classroom, or during catechism classes, this coloring book is a valuable tool for fostering a deeper understanding and participation in the liturgy. You can bring this along to Sunday Mass and keep kids focused (and engaged) during the entire Mass!

Finally, we will be sharing SO MANY liturgical downloads, crafts, videos, and MORE throughout Ordinary Time on this blog!

You can check fan favorites like our Day of Prayer for the Unborn coloring page, Valentine’s Cards, St. Blaise coloring pages, and more, but make sure you subscribe to the blog below to be alerted when new resources drop:

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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