Today the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day in honor of St Christopher Magallanes and Companions: a group of Mexican priests and Knights of Columbus who were murdered during the Cristero War in Mexico in the 1920s. We created a short, 2-minute video to celebrate these courageous men and the Knights of Columbus who stood strong during that war.

Then Facebook blocked the post. Yes, we’ve had a company Facebook page for a decade. Yes, we routinely promote posts to reach more people who might be interested.

But now a short video celebrating Catholic saints and telling what happened 100 years ago in Mexico isn’t allowed under Facebook’s new rules. Oh: and last year about this time, this video was allowed.

Here’s the Facebook rejection notice:

We require people to complete an ID confirmation to run ads about social issues, elections or politics.

Your ad may have been rejected if it mentions politicians, topics that could influence the outcome of an election, or existing or proposed legislation.

And we were allowed to click a button to request a review (we did), but then were told that “due to COVID-19 the review process” might take considerably longer–and we should just wait to be notified of their decision.

So because Facebook believes that a video about murdered priests is a social issue that cannot be discussed on their platform, we want to continue to share it on ours. Please take the time to watch and share this video in honor and memory of these brave men.

Vivo Cristo Rey!

Please share this blog with a Knight of Columbus in your life who can be inspired by the bravery of his fellow Knights! May we be continually blessed by the faithful witness of brave men in our Church!

If you would like to learn more about these brave men and the work of the Knights of Columbus during the Cristero War, check out the story of Fr. Miguel de la Mora. This story will inspire your children to always fight for their Catholic faith, even when the world punishes them for it.

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