I answered a few frequently asked questions about the Very Young Catholic Project last week (find the 8 Q&A’s here), but wanted to answer a few more before enrollment closes tomorrow!

Do you have a question not answered here? Leave a comment and we will answer it!

Q: Will I have to buy a companion book every month?

NO–you don’t have to worry about buying a book every single month.

This monthly program will alternate focusing on an individual book and then a more general topic.

I am going to repeat this because it is so important: We don’t want this program to become a financial burden to your family.

We hope you fall in love with these books and collect every single one over the next few years (tip: these make GREAT presents from Grandparents! Your kids will love them and they are educational).

Emily is getting ready to travel to another country next month and we have several more exciting time zones already ready for print! We plan to have the entire series of books finished by 2025 so don’t stress–you have years ahead of you to collect them all. Don’t feel like you need to get them all today.

But–you do need to enroll in the online program TODAY because we close enrollment tomorrow!

And remember–every enrollment includes a copy of Very Young Catholics in Argentina!

Q: Will this program ever go on sale?

This is the lowest cost we will ever offer to enroll in the Very Young Catholic Project.

Since the enrollment includes a copy of Very Young Catholics in Argentina (retail price: $21.95), the cost for the program is only an additional $18.

When you break down that price over the many months this program will run, it comes out to less than $0.50 per month.

If you are interested in using this program now or in the future, I highly highly recommend enrolling now. When we reopen this program next year, the price will go up.

This is your chance to get in at the inaugural price–don’t wait to enroll!

Q: What are some of the topics that will be included in the monthly program?

Some months we will take a deep dive into a specific book (Argentina for the first month).

In other months, we will focus on a topic like:

  • Geography
    • Time Zones,
    • Continents,
    • Climates,
    • and so much more!
  • Natural World
    • Mammals (so many mammals…),
    • Sea Creatures,
    • Plants,
    • Oceans,
    • and so much more!
  • History and Culture
    • Pilgrimages around the world,
    • Devotions unique to specific countries,
    • Liturgical Year Celebrations
    • Saints,
    • and so much more!

We will engage in these topics with a variety of resources. You can check out a sample of 2 styles of printables in this blog.

Q: How do I decide which tier to join?

I filmed a video where I break down each tier (and give my recommendation). Watch the video HERE.

Q: This program was recommended to me as a resource for Charlotte Mason homeschoolers. Do you have any specific ideas?

Here is a special tip for you from the family of the Very Young Catholics in Canada book! As Charlotte Mason homeschoolers, the mother told us:

Everyone does Charlotte Mason a little bit differently. But there are a couple ways a family could use them for CM or for any other geography component in my mind. 

In Charlotte Mason, most families between grades 1-3 are looking to do a travelogue each term and want to introduce their children to little people of many lands as best they can. These are a perfect way to do that! This might include:

  • Having the books available as a once-a-week leisure read!
  • Read it aloud as part of a 10-week term (which we have 3 times a year). We would read 7 pages from a book depending on its size each week and the child would narrate back to me what they saw and heard in the book and perhaps draw a picture to accompany their reading.

You can use these books in map drill time or map work time! You could be to learn where each country is located on the map and the various features that can be found in each country. The first few weeks might just be looking at a map in your book, then building toward drawing it by tracing, and finally drawing it from memory. Ideally the last week they could do a large part of this from memory entering the main cities and features and saying or writing a little bit about it at the end.

These are great living books for geography! Working through each book with the above activities and building in connections to the greater globe by looking at trade routes, how we locate any place on a map, including the place you are looking at and perhaps keeping a large world poster map to keep track as you read through the series is perfect for geography lessons.

Finally, these books are a wonderful way for kids to learn about Catholics all around the world! We introduced a Rorate mass at Advent at our parish last year, partly inspired by the story from Austria!

Do you have a question not answered here? Leave a comment and we will answer it!

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