The Feast of Corpus Christi is coming up and at Holy Heroes, this is a BIG feast

We are passionate about inspiring Catholic families to fall in love with the Eucharist (here is a great resource to help your family do that). We hope that more families will celebrate this feast to the fullest and we want to help!

Psst–you can check out this previous blog post with suggestions for how your family can celebrate HERE!

An annual tradition we HIGHLY recommend is learning a beautiful Eucharistic hymn to commemorate this feast!

This year, we are sharing a resource to help families learn Holy God, We Praise Thy Name. This hymn is traditionally sung at the end of adoration (another beautiful thing for your family to participate in around the Feast of Corpus Christi).

If you haven’t heard this hymn before, below you can listen to the hymn being sung:

Now that you’ve heard it, below you can find a sweet printable for your kids to color to help them learn the hymn.

This is a wonderful activity to bring to an adoration hour so they can color quietly and hear the hymn being sung at the end of the hour!

We love sharing liturgical resources for families!

Please make sure you are SUBSCRIBED to the blog to have these resources sent directly to your inbox:

Looking for more Eucharistic resources? We have an ENTIRE collection of resources on the Eucharist, including:

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