Have you thought about the importance of the priest who will give your children First Communion?

Whether you have a child currently preparing for First Communion or whether you still have a few years before that, your children can learn this prayer right now.

Prayer for the Priest who will Give You First Communion can be found in our First Communion Novena [download HERE] but we included an audio recitation on the Holy Heroes Podcast!

Listen below or on Episode 6 on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

We have lots of fun things planned (including more prayers!) coming up on the podcast! You can sign up for text alerts when episodes drop below:

This is a beautiful prayer to incorporate into your family life this Easter Season!

This 30-page download includes:

  • directions for how to pray the Stations of the Resurrection, 
  • 14 Scripture citations, 
  • 14 coloring pages (perfect to engage little kids!), 
  • and 14 prayers that you can pray after the Scripture meditation.

After praying the Stations of the Cross during Lent, the 14 meditations in the Stations of the Resurrection are a joyful way to pray through Jesus’ time on earth…after the Resurrection!

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