All Saints’ Day parties are a big deal in the Holy Heroes house! If you are still looking for game ideas for your upcoming All Saints’ Day Party, check out the list below for some tried and true favorites!
Canonize the Saint
Think your classic carnival “ring toss” game, but instead of pins, place saint statues on the table or floor and use a glow bracelet to toss. You can learn more about the game here.
St. Isidore Pumpkin Roll
Each participant rolls a pumpkin from a designated starting point to a designated finishing line. Whoever crosses the line first wins! You can learn more about this game here.
Saint Matching Game
For a smaller party with younger kids, this is a great game! A twist on Memory, kids take turns trying to match images of the saints!
Pin the Rose on St. Rose of Lima
A twist on “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” participants try to pin a rose on the flower crown of St. Rose of Lima. There are lots of images of St. Rose of Lima available online–just make sure you print one with her wearing a crown of flowers!
Protect the Priest
Mix up traditional dodge ball by assigning a player on each team as the “priest.” If someone gets hit by the dodge ball, they must immediately sit down and wait for their priest to come “heal” (tag) them. But if the priest gets hit, no one on the team can be healed and the other team will eventually win. So protect the priest!
St. Francis Animal Toss
Collect your bean bag animals and set up a basket under an image of St. Francis. Kids can take turns trying to toss the bean bag animals into the basket.
St. Kenneth Relay Race
Organize the kids into teams and conduct a running relay race. BUT, in honor of St. Kenneth, all runners must run while wearing only ONE shoe during the race. The reason we play this game with one shoe on is because of this story: one of St. Kenneth’s very good friends was St. Columba. Once, St. Columba was on a long sea voyage and suddenly, thousands of miles away in Ireland, St. Kenneth jumped up and declared that his friend was in danger. St. Kenneth ran to the chapel to pray but was in such a rush that he did not notice that he was missing a shoe! St. Kenneth’s prayers brought St. Columba safely home so now, we play this game as a reminder of how we should always be in a rush to pray for our friends!
Costume Contest
Hold a costume contest where the guest of honor (often the parish priest) has to guess who each child is dressed as! This is a great way to learn about new saints while also giving each child’s costume a chance to shine!
These are just a few of the many games we have played at our All Saints’ Day parties over the years! Leave suggestions for other games in the comments below!
If you are looking for prize ideas for your All Saints’ Day Party, check out these Tiny Saints, Prayer Cards, Coloring Books, Stickers, and so much more!
We have some great resources to help make your All Saints Day party a success! We will be releasing more resources soon so make sure you are subscribed to receive those resources below:

St Kenneth story link is now broken.
Thank you for letting us know! I just added the story of St. Kenneth to the blog post so you can learn why we play this game!