Our final stock is in for 1st Communion Season

“We LOVE this book! My son is so excited to read it all the time. He loves the legos & is absorbing the Catechism. We love how it explains major dogmas of our faith in such an amazing way!”

Kids (especially boys) devour this!! Both books have an Imprimatur & Nihil Obstat!!

The brilliance of these books lies in their ability to distill centuries of Church teaching into an accessible and enjoyable format. Drawing inspiration from renowned apologists and theologians like Dr. Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, and Dr. Brant Pitre, these books provide a comprehensive understanding of God’s plan for our salvation.

“I was raised Catholic and had a lot of catechism classes and yet every time I open this book I learn something new. My husband is a convert and is loving reading how everything connects. We have 4 kids and our oldest is 8. Every time he wants to read a book he grabs this one and their other book on the Seven Sacraments. He’s constantly coming up to us with new knowledge on the faith and we love watching it come alive for him. Our 5 year old has the attention span of a fly but loves to look at the pictures and is always asking questions about our faith thanks to this book. She is excited to go to mass now too. The authors do an amazing job pulling the Old Testament to the New Testament and it shows from where the mass and all of the liturgical beauty comes. I can’t recommend this book enough. The lego pictures are engaging for younger readers and the typology is brilliantly done and easy to understand. Whether you’re well versed in the Catholic faith or just interested in learning about it this is an easy and beyond informative book. We’ll definitely be using this book to reference for years to come. It will make a great Christmas gift this year!”

With a symmetrical presentation of typology from the Old Testament alongside the New Testament, readers of all ages can witness the harmony of God’s divine design. 

And if you haven’t gotten our Lego set for “Father Leopold Celebrates Mass” yet, get it today while it’s still in stock to save some $$.

“I have ordered this product three times for different grandchildren. It is amazing how it teaches the kids and is interesting a fun at the same time!”

Everything your child needs to learn to pray the Mass is included.

Only 22 left today, with our supplier telling us parts are out of stock.

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