Fr. Steve Gallagher (the author of our Police Officer’s Devotional) has a goal to empty Purgatory and has extended a gracious offer to the Holy Heroes community to join him!

A message from Fr. Gallagher:

From October 29- November 6, I will be offering a Novena of Masses for the dearly departed and for you and your intentions.

Please consider having Masses offered for the repose of the souls of your family and friends. Ask yourself:

  • When was the last time I had a Holy Mass said for someone?
  • When was the last time I had a Mass said for the repose of the souls of my deceased parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents?
  • How about a brother or a sister or an aunt or an uncle?
  • Maybe the neighbors you grew up with or your fellow students or co-workers or acquaintances?  
  • This list is endless and is only limited by your imagination.

Considering the state of the world today and ask yourself this: “Who will have a Mass said for the repose of my soul after I die? Do my friends and relatives even know to do such a thing?”

Please consider forwarding this to as many as you can. There is no limit to the number of poor souls in Purgatory whom you can add to this Novena of Masses.

It would be really nice if we could make a serious impact on emptying Purgatory!

If you feel so inclined, you can thank Fr. Gallagher with a donation for his parish in Alaska:

Fr. Steve Gallagher

St. Gregory Nazianzen

P.O. Box 495

Sitka, Alaska 99835

We can help the Faithful Departed by “boosting our prayers” to get a “plenary indulgence” specifically for the dead by following some simple steps included on the back of this card.

There are specific requirements–and special ones on All Souls Day!–but this card explains them all.

Perfect to distribute for parish, Catholic school, Halloween or All Saints party!

PLUS with this card, you can note the names of each dearly departed by the date you will offer an indulgence for them–this will act as a reminder to pray for them on that day!