Wondering what it’s like to visit Catholic families around the globe?

We asked Emily, the author of the Very Young Catholic series, to share some “behind-the-scenes” of her visit to Argentina for the new book! 

Each Very Young Catholic book involves an on-site visit to the family and the parish. 

It is an unbelievable privilege to meet these faithful families all over the world, and I always have a great time. 

Psst–get a more “behind the scenes” peak at Emily’s home visits here.

But, this latest book in Argentina will have a special place in my heart.

Like all the book families, this family was brave enough to welcome a total stranger and a photographer into their lives, accepting the mission of bearing witness to God’s love and His universal church.  

They were very hospitable and quite determined to show me the best of their area of Argentina. 

I had no idea – did you? – that some of the best paragliding in the world is in Argentina in the high Andes.  Paragliding is a beautiful sport to watch and the pictures were great! 

They also made sure that I had empanadas. The meat-stuffed rolls of South America have a million regional variations, and every location is sure that theirs are the best. I’m more than willing to try them all and report back!

The Spanish culture put plazas and fountains in cities and towns, large and small. This is an enchanting combination, and we have a sweet picture in the book of two of the children by their central city fountain, right at the beginning of the chapter where the two youngest children declare independence.  From what?  Well, that’s the story – you will have to read it.

During my visit, the pastor had a birthday, and the parish party for this beloved young priest ran until at least midnight.  On a Tuesday.  On a school night. It was a culture shock for me, but I definitely can love a culture that thinks it’s a great idea to have a night under the stars, with lots of music, dancing, delicious food, and heartfelt prayers of gratitude.  Even if it’s a school night.

PS:  The children are dismayed that I did not mention soccer.  Yes, there is soccer in this book!

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