
We’ve arrived in Easter — Alleluia! — but we had to pass through Lent to do it. So indulge me momentarily for a backward glance at those “40 Days.”

When I ponder the long and hard journey of Lent, it calls to mind Advent, the other time when the priest wears violet at Mass and the Church asks us to prepare our hearts and souls through extra prayer and penance. Both are times of anticipation of joyful celebration. Both are about a great gift that we don’t deserve. Both are about the love of God for all his children.

Yet the seasons differ in what we are expecting. Advent’s preparation is oriented towards the love of a mother with the birth of Jesus, while the trial of Lent focuses on the love of a father.

I think moms are from Advent, but dads are from Lent.

Continue reading this article by the Holy Heroes Dad at Fathers For Good.

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