After our last blog on her book was read by thousands of Catholic moms within the first 24 hours, we asked Leila Miller, author of Raising Chaste Catholic Boys, if she could share more about her book and the goal of her writings.

As a Catholic wife, mother of eight children, and now grandmother to several grandchildren, Leila Miller has been sharing her writing for many years prior to us coming across her first book (which is now in its second edition with Holy Heroes). Here is her advice to younger moms currently raising young Catholic boys:

If you had to describe the book in one sentence, what would it be?

How to be confident raising boys in an anti-Catholic culture. 

What inspired you to write this book?

I had a blog for eight years and there were some amazing folks who read, participated in the comments, and became good friends. Some of the worried moms asked me over time if I would write about how to raise good boys and men in a crazy culture. I thought about it and eventually concluded, “I think I have a thing or two that I could offer them that worked for me!” And so, I started to write what became my first book. It was self-published for my small little audience. People seemed to find it helpful—easy to read and implement—and then Holy Heroes picked it up for an expanded, improved second edition! I’m very grateful. 

What do you hope readers will get from this book?

Confidence and peace! I really do think that we parents are our own worst enemies sometimes. God equips us with what we need when He gives us children, but we (especially mothers) get frightened by the apparent power of the culture around us, which is filled with lies, and we think we are helpless. We believe that our boys will be devoured and lost. But, it does not have to be that way!

Let’s look at what is out there and how we can counter that madness and fortify our children. We will see that we are not helpless at all. We have knowledge and the grace of the sacraments. We have truth on our side, and there is a way to impart that truth to our children so that things make sense to them. Even when things go wrong, and even if our children one day turn from the Faith, we parents are not helpless and hopeless. There is always more to do. God gives us that roadmap. 

What is your favorite part of this book?

I really love the chapter where the chaste young men themselves get to speak and give advice to other young men who are wondering how to live chastely in this pornified world. It really was refreshing! Iron sharpens iron, and men sharpen men…. I am always happy to see mentoring and advice by men for boys/men. Women can do a lot to form our sons, but the voice of other men is crucial, and a woman’s voice cannot substitute for that. 

Personally, the chapter I think is the most crucial for moms (and my personal favorite) is the chapter called “Training Men Out of Manhood.” In this culture, we systematically train our men and boys out of manhood, and that has to stop. Well-intentioned Catholic moms fall into that trap, too, and we don’t even notice it. Masculinity and femininity are two different things. They are both very good things, but they are distinct in many ways. God created male and female, and He never intended them to be “the same.”

What is the most helpful part of this book for parents?

Probably the chapter called “The Basics,” in which I outline and then explain the three bedrock principles for forming my children: 

1. Moral formation is the top priority

2. Our beliefs and principles need to make logical sense

3. Nothing is off limits for discussion (age appropriate, of course)

What is the best “word of wisdom” you want to share with other moms?

Don’t despair! This world is full of chaos and confusion, but our Faith is based on simple truths that make sense. Your child was made, as we all are, to be attracted to the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. You have in Catholicism all you need to raise up future saints to be a light for these dark times. We are told that it’s all very complicated and complex, and that it’s almost impossible to keep kids innocent and chaste. But that’s a lie designed to get you to despair. Jesus Christ, and His saints through the ages, taught simply. The simple truth, a lot of prayer, and a bit of mentoring from a “veteran” mom, goes a long way to getting our children to Heaven.

God bless you—you’ve got this!

Leila Miller’s book is a must-have for boy moms! And, her second book (co-authored with Trent Horn) is a must-have for ALL Catholic parents!

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