PLUS–scroll to the bottom for 6 gifts for Family Easter Baskets!

This basket includes: 

Add this adorable bib for additional fun!

Order the Catholic Toddler Easter Basket HERE.

This basket includes: 

For additional fun, add a Glory Stories CD to your basket! Remember: receive automatic discounts when you purchase multiple Glory Stories! 

Order your Learn My Faith Easter Basket HERE.

Fill your Easter basket with meaningful Catholic gifts to help you celebrate Easter Sunday (and throughout the entire season)!

This basket includes: 

All for a discounted price! 

Get your He has Risen! Easter Basket HERE.

This Domestic Church basket can be used by the entire family and includes: 

For additional fun, get one of the FeastDay! expansion packs for even more hours of fun:

Get your Domestic Church Easter Basket HERE.

There are so many other great Easter gifts for the entire family! Here are a few of our top ideas:

  1. NEW Seek & Find Volume 3 (get Volume 2 and Volume 1 too)
  2. Prayer Pillowcases–with such a large collection, there is sure to be a perfect one for every child (don’t forget that if you get 4, the 5th one is FREE)
  3. Complete Glory Stories Collection
  4. Beginning Apologetics Set–great for families with all older kids
  5. Very Young Catholics Books (Brazil is centered on Holy Week!)
  6. Paschal Candle Kit

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