Have you always put off praying the Stations of the Cross during Lent because Friday evenings are an unrealistic time for your family to attend the parish Stations of the Cross?
Us too.
This year, we have created a NEW bundle that is sure to help every family pray the Stations of the Cross this year…from home!
NEW for 2025: Stations of the Cross At-Home Bundle

If you have never prayed the Stations of the Cross before, do not worry! This bundle has everything you need to “open and go”–thousands of families have been using these resources to introduce the Stations of the Cross devotion to their children!
Our Stations At-Home bundle includes:
- Full-color bi-lingual Prayer Booklet
- Stations of the Cross Posters
- Stations of the Cross audio devotion CD
For variety in your prayers, our Stations of the Cross CD contains two complete Stations versions: the traditional version with sung Stabat Mater at each station, plus the shorter “radio-cut” version as heard on EWTN, Immaculate Heart Radio, Mediatrix, Ave Maria, and other Catholic stations nationwide!
Order our Stations of the Cross At-Home Bundle and pray with your family FROM HOME this Friday!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!