Are you looking for resources for the Traditional Latin Mass?

Over the years, we have built a collection of resources to help you grow and develop your love for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass!

Whether you’ve been attending the Extraordinary Form of the Mass for years, or are merely curious about it, these guides are designed to open up the riches contained within the Mass to all.

NEW     NEW     NEW

This richly- illustrated introduction to the Latin Mass for readers young and old provides a thorough sampling of the Latin text from the missal with English translation.

For children who can sit still but need help to be fully involved at the Mass, this missal will guide them along visually and verbally. 

The stunning illustration provides a look behind the veil of what we can see with our eyes, depicting the meeting of heaven and earth at each Mass!

For those unfamiliar but curious about the Latin Mass, this book can ease them into experiencing it without feeling overwhelmed. Even if you’ve only attended the Novus Ordo, the knowledge of the Latin Mass you’ll get from this book will deepen your understanding of the Novus Ordo. 

Our best-selling Treasure and Tradition: The Ultimate Guide to the Latin Mass 

Have you ever:

  • Considered attending a Latin Mass, but found it too intimidating?
  • Struggled to jump back and forth between the pages of a Latin-English Missal?
  • Wanted to know more about the history of the Mass and how it came to be the way it is?
  • Wondered at the Biblical roots of so much that occurs in the Mass?

This Guide is just what you’ve been waiting for!

And it is SO MUCH MORE than a guide to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass–though it is loaded a word-for-word English translation of the Latin text of the Mass. It also has wonderful photos, diagrams, notes and explanations that will help you not only to follow along (and not get lost), but also to understand the history and significance of the ceremonies.

This stunning compendium is an invaluable resource for young Catholics to use both at Mass and at home!

Latin for “let us pray,” Oremus goes through the prayers from the Mass and other beloved Catholic prayers in both English and Latin! Young Catholics will learn to pray in the language which Pope Saint John Paul II said elicits “a profound sense of the Eucharistic Mystery” while exploring, reflecting on, and being inspired by studies of masterpieces of Christian art, from Fra Angelico to Bouguereau.  

Each prayer is accompanied by master copies of some of the Church’s most beautiful artwork–a beautiful addition to our Sacred Art for Children collection

A few more resources for your family:

For the littlest ones worshiping in the Extraordinary Form:

  • Shows what the priest is doing
  • Tells what the child should do
  • So every step of the way a child can behave properly, reverently, and be involved with mind, heart, and soul

This ‘See and Pray Missal” is just what your children have been waiting for!

This is perhaps the most beautiful book we have come across in a long time.

Oh so fun! Each letter of the alphabet relates to something found within our Catholic faith, with fun explanations for children! 

With those intricate and detailed drawings that children will inspect closely to discover all sorts of secret details!

This is perhaps the most beautiful book we have come across in a long time.

Each lavishly illustrated page is mesmerizing in its detail but even more so for its love of the beauty of our Faith.

Printed in a deep, rich brown ink on cream paper, with a cloth hardcover and dimensional gold embossing, this is a book that will make you feel proud to be Catholic.

Makes a perfect gift–even for those who already know their alphabet quite well.

Find the rest of our resources for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass HERE.

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