We were so blessed to be introduced this year to Father Steve Gallagher, a police veteran of 30 years who has now been a Catholic priest for a decade. He is the author of A Police Officer’s Devotional, and he sent us this time-honored Novena to pray leading up to the Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19th or May 1st.

We wanted to share his message: 

A Powerful Novena to St. Joseph

This novena was originally devised by the celebrated Fr. Louis Lallemant, S. J. [1587-1633]. It has proved particularly effective in obtaining favors through the intercession of St. Joseph. In the biography of this saintly priest, we learn that the Saint never refused him anything he asked; the story is told that on one occasion he urged two young priests to make this novena, promising that they would obtain everything they asked through the intercession of St. Joseph if, in turn, they would show him special honor and spread devotion to him among others.


No particular prayers need to be said for this novena. Every day, for nine days, turn to St. Joseph in spirit – four times during the day and honor him in the following four points:

[Suggestion: try these 4 times each day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime!]

1. During the first visit, consider ST. JOSEPH’S FIDELITY TO GRACE. Reflect upon the action of the Holy Ghost in his soul. At the conclusion of this brief meditation, thank God for so honoring St. Joseph, and ask, through his intercession for a similar grace.

O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great
faithfulness to grace. Grant that, through his loving intercession
and the power of his example. I too may be faithful to grace.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me this favor
I ask. [Name your request.]

2. Later in the day, consider ST. JOSEPH’S FIDELITY TO THE INTERIOR LIFE. Study his spirit of recollection. Think, thank God, and ask.

O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great
faithfulness to the interior life. Grant that, through his loving intercession
and the power of his example. I too may be faithful to the interior life.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me this favor
I ask. [Name your request.]

3. Later still, consider ST. JOSEPH’S LOVE FOR OUR LADY. Think, thank God, and ask.

O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great
love of Our Lady.
Grant that, through his loving intercession
and the power of his example. I too may truly love the Blessed Virgin Mary.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me this favor
I ask. [Name your request.]

4. Finally, in a fourth visit, reflect upon ST. JOSEPH’S LOVE FOR THE DIVINE CHILD.
Think, thank God, and ask.

O MY GOD, I thank Thee and bless Thee for St. Joseph’s great
love of the Divine Child.
Grant that, through his loving intercession
and the power of his example. I too may truly love the Child Jesus.
O St. Joseph, intercede for me, and obtain for me this favor
I ask. [Name your request.]

If you would like to download and print this Novena, click below!

Hang this on your fridge as a reminder to pray throughout the next nine days!

To learn more about the Police Officer Devotional written Father Steve Gallagher, click here.

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