Please join us for the final day of the Novena to Blessed Carlo Acutis!
Thank you for joining us for this Novena! We have many more novenas, liturgical resources, and more available on the blog–make sure you are subscribed!
Opening Prayer
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank you for all the grace and favors with which you enriched the soul of Blessed Carlo Acutis during his 15 years on this earth. Through the merits of this Angel of Youth, grant me the grace which I earnestly seek (ask the grace which you seek).
Day 9 Meditations: “I am happy to die because I have lived my life without wasting a minute on those things which do not please God”
Blessed Carlo Acutis, give me that grace of graces–perseverence to the end and a saintly death. Amen.
Pray five “Our Fathers”, five “Hail Marys”, and five “Glory Be to the Fathers” to give thanks to God for the grace granted Carlo during his life.
Final Prayer
Almighty God, Father of Mercy, raise Blessed Carlo Acutis to the glory of the altars so that through him you will be even more glorified. Give us the honor of calling him “Saint,” for he lived Your Will in all things. And through his merit, give me the grace that I so ardenly desire. Amen.