After a month off, we are back with the Feast Days for the upcoming month! October is special for several reasons—not only are there some great Feast Days this month, but it’s also Respect Life Month AND Our Lady of the Rosary Month. Check out the short video below to learn about the upcoming month and scroll down for more information and a free printable!
October 1: St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Who doesn’t know the story of St. Therese? This young nun and Doctor of the Church has captured the hearts and minds of many over the last hundred years. Inpired by her “little way,” Catholics every where strive to make their practice of daily sacrifices as a means of reaching Heaven. And, we recently found a website that contains the ORIGINAL manuscripts from St. Therese’s plays that she loved to put on with her sisters in the convent. Click here to check it out!
You can learn more about St. Therese on our Glory Stories Vol. 2! And if you want to continue to celebrate this great saint throughout the year, check out the St. Therese Prayer Pillowcase and Tiny Saint!
October 2: The Feast of the Guardian Angels
This is an often forgotten feast that should be important to everyone since every person has a Guardian Angel to celebrate today! The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains:
From its beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life. Already here on earth the Christian life shares by faith in the blessed company of angels and men united in God [CCC 336].
The story of Sr. Maria Antonia about her Guardian Angel is a great way for kids to feel more connected to their Guardian Angel. Another way to incorporate prayer to your Guardian Angel into everyday life is through the Guardian Angel Prayer Pillowcase!
October 4: St. France of Assisi
Another great Saint to celebrate, we often ask for St. Francis’ help when our puppy, Ruthie, is sick. The founder of the Fransciscan Order and friend of St. Claire of Assisi, he spent his life rebuilding the Church both figuratively and literally. He and his followers rebuilt several ruined churches while also traveling the countryside preaching the Gospel.
Check out the St. Francis Prayer Pillowcase for the animal lover in your life!
October 5: St. Faustina Kowalska
Born in Poland, St. Faustina received apparitions from Jesus and was instructed to commission an artist to create the image of Divine Mercy. You can learn more about her life and visions here.
Check out the Glory Stories Vol. 4 and companion coloring book to learn more about St. Faustina! We also have a St. Faustina Tiny Saint and Divine Mercy Prayer Pillowcase!
October 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
The amazing origin of this feast day can be found and heard at the end of our Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary CD. You can learn more about The Miracle of Lepanto, the event that inspired this feast day, here (and access FREE coloring pages!).
To learn more about the history of Our Lady of the Rosary, you can check out the bonus content in The Triumph of Jesus coloring book!
October 11: Pope St. John XXIII
Pope St. John XXIII was nicknamed “Good Pope John” and was beloved during his life (1881-1963). His wit and writings impacted many and you can find one of his short reflections on the “Only for Today:The Daily Decalogue of Pope Saint John XXIII” prayer cards.
October 18: St. Luke
One of the four Gospel writers, St. Luke’s Gospel is known as the “Marian Gospel” because it gives us so much information about the Blessed Virgin Mary. He also wrote the book of Acts, detailing the work of the Apostles following Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. He is often signified in art by an ox or a calf and he is the patron saint of physicians and surgeons.
As one of the Gospel writers, St. Luke’s feastday is a great time to dive back in to reading the Bible. Here are some great options for ALL ages including our best-loved Picture Bible!
October 22: Pope St. John Paul II
This is a big family favorite in the Holy Heroes house! As one of the great saints of the 20th century, his life and writings impacted many. In the Holy Heroes house, Virginia had the opportunity to SING at his Jubilee Mass many years ago!!
You can learn more about Pope St. John Paul II on Glory Stories Vol. 11. Also check out our Pope St. John Paul II Tiny Saint and Prayer Pillowcase!
October 28: Sts. Simon and Jude
Two apostles in the early Church, these two preachers share a feast day. You can learn more about their joint story here. St. Jude is one of Holy Heroes Guide Therese’s favorite saints! If he’s one of yours, check out the St. Jude Tiny Saint and Prayer Pillowcase!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!
Thank you so much for all that you do. It has helped my family in so many ways!
Could we put in a request for St. Sebastian? His story would make a great Glory Story
We often get Glory Story Saint requests! We will add St. Sebastian to our list.