
As of this morning, we have raised over $41,000 for families impacted by Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina. 

Last week, my husband traveled to Burnsville, NC to help with home recovery.

If you look at the picture on the right, you can see this house has several feet of mud on the first floor that had to be shoveled out for an elderly woman. 

This was one of the fortunate homes–down the street, another home had completely washed away with the family inside when the flood waters rose 30 feet.

While my husband and his team were traveling, we were busy coordinating supplies for small towns that still do not have power.

It snowed in the mountains last week so cold weather gear and propane heaters are top priority.

We are supplying volunteers who are using horses and ATVs to transport supplies to families with damaged roofs and walls, or who simply have no livable home left and are camping in tents on their property. 

We are working with contacts in multiple locations to transport supplies directly to families in need.

We have another car headed to the mountains tomorrow with more heaters, sleeping bags, and fuel.

Your generosity enabled me to purchase those supplies–thank you! 

1. Make an order now for anything at

2. Add a “tip” at checkout (just below entering your billing address) and 100% of tips will go towards buying supplies that we know are getting through directly to people in crisis.

Many people will order their “make your own” Advent Candles in the weeks to come.

Prepare your heart for Christmas this year with an Advent Wreath made out of 48 genuine LEGO® bricks.

Each candle can be “lit” with a yellow transparent brick and can be made to “melt” by removing bricks as the weeks of Advent go by.

“I’ve been waiting to buy this for my grandchildren until they were old enough to put it together themselves. It was great that prayers for each week were included. “

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