You’ve probably seen that we’re giving away our Advent & Christmas Seasons Fridge Calendar with every order!

The calendar has BIG spaces to write down all the busy stuff that occurs this time of year, and you can hang it on your fridge so you don’t forget anything.

One side is the Advent Season, then, flip it to get the Christmas Season! We Catholics celebrate waaay more than 12 Days of Christmas!

And we made them specifically to remind you of the feast days, the saints, or the Gospel Readings from Mass each day in Advent & Christmas–in other words, all the things that the Church wants you to focus on during those seasons!

And we did another thing that we hope helps your children learn to “think like the Church”: Each sticker has a colored border that corresponds to the liturgical color for the day.

You’ll notice some days have borders that are half one color and half another. Why is that? Because those are days that have an optional memorial which your parish may or may not choose to celebrate in the Mass. So a parish may stick with the color for the season or celebrate the option with the appropriate color.

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