The Stations…for EASTER? 👀

The Stations…for EASTER? 👀

While Catholics meditate on Christ’s Passion and Death during Lent through the Stations of the Cross, the Stations of the Resurrection offer meditations on the events from Easter Sunday through the entire Easter Season.

Get our 30 page INSTANT DOWNLOAD to learn this beautiful meditation!

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Official Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage

Official Blessing of Parents after a Miscarriage

Until the book release day on April 16th, we are including this beautiful prayer card with every pre-order of Jellybean.

Think: is therea family you could order this picture book for? Someone who has lost a baby recently who would be so touched to receive this book and prayer card?

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How to Support a Friend during an Infant Loss [podcast]

How to Support a Friend during an Infant Loss [podcast]

On today’s episode of the Holy Heroes Podcast, Theoni Bell shared with moms how to support a friend going through an infant loss. 

Theoni and I share what helped us during our multiple losses and specifically mention the importance of supporting the older siblings in their grief.

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