We NEVER do this…$20 OFF 🤯
A child’s first awareness of God’s love is the love of a mother for her child.
A child’s first personal experience expressing love is the love that child shows for his mother.
So praying with Our Blessed Mother about her love for her Son and her Son’s love for her makes the Holy Rosary instinctively attractive to a child.
SO–here is what we created to help children fall in love with the Rosary!
Prepare for Lent: Novena to the Holy Spirit
As we prepare for Ash Wednesday, join us for the Novena to the Holy Spirit!
Surprising Lenten Practice brings Catholics back to the Church
Not only does this daily discipline over 40 days help you focus on others (rather than simply “improving” yourself), it has incredible potential to impact others…even people who are not necessarily religious themselves.
For Parents: 3 Practices to Transform your Lent
In the midst of being a busy parent, adding Lenten practices to your daily life can seem impractical.
Today, I want to share 3 SIMPLE practices that you can incorporate into your Lent:
Just 40 Days ’til Lent {5 ways to prepare}
Ash Wednesday is fast approaching! Here are a few ways to help your family have a peaceful and prayerful Lenten Season.
Join the Spiritual Bouquet for the Incoming Presidential Administration
Join our Spiritual Bouquet asking for God’s inspiration, protection, and blessing on the Trump-Vance administration.
Incredible: Catholic Home Blessing Saves Home from Wildfire {video}
I came across this story yesterday and think every Catholic family should hear it.
Once you have watched it, make sure you DOWNLOAD the blessing.
Kicking off Ordinary Time–SHARE with your kids! {videos}
With the Christmas season over, kids can easily think that all the “fun” of the liturgical year is now finished. But Ordinary Time is filled with wonderful celebrations and important moments!
Share this VIDEO and download with your kids!
Special Prayer Card for Catholic Schools Week!
Catholic Schools Weeks is coming up from January 26–February 1, 2025.
To celebrate, get this prayer card to hand out to every Catholic student!
9 Promises of the “Devil Chasing Medal”
We recently discovered the 9 promises of this powerful sacramental and are spreading the word to other Catholic families.
Special Plenary Indulgences for the Jubilee Year of 2025
Here are the 6 special plenary indulgences available during the Jubilee Year of 2025 (under the 3 normal conditions) along with a special blessing for your home that can help with the safe delivery of babies!