Don’t Miss Deals: Glory Stories, Books, & a phone

Don’t Miss Deals: Glory Stories, Books, & a phone

You don’t want to miss our Black Friday Sale--with every order, we are including a FREE goodie bag filled with fun! Shop Black Friday Sale But first--make sure you have all your Jesse Tree resources!! We are down to our last 100 Jesse Tree Poster with stickers so grab...

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What’s in our Survival Kit? [video]

What’s in our Survival Kit? [video]

Advent can quickly become an overwhelming time for moms! In an effort to make your Advent prep easier, we have created an Advent Survival Kit! With one click, you can order everything you need to have a fruitful and easy Advent as a family!...

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A Jesse Tree…Graphic Novel?

A Jesse Tree…Graphic Novel?

Does reading a Jesse Tree devotional seem…unrealistic for your family?

Here is the solution: a graphic novel (erhhhh..Bible) that your kids will WANT to read that corresponds to each Jesse Tree ornament!!

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