IDEA: an easy & intentional last-minute gift [video]

IDEA: an easy & intentional last-minute gift [video]

It’s at the point of the season when you cannot imagine adding another thing to your to-do list. 

We quietly added this NEW resource to help busy families have an easy and intentional gift for those last-minute (and tough to buy for) people who get added to your gift list.

MOMS: we created this for kids to do themselves. No need for you to organize!

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How to do an Epiphany Home Blessing

How to do an Epiphany Home Blessing

The Catholic Church offers a profound blessing liturgy to be celebrated by the head of the household asking for the intercession of the 3 Magi who left their homes to search
for the newborn Savior of the World!

Learn how to do this blessing here:

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How to explain the Immaculate Conception to Kids [video]

How to explain the Immaculate Conception to Kids [video]

December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (don’t forget to go to Mass!).

While this is such a special feast day, kids often have questions about what this feast means. Don’t worry though–the Holy Heroes Adventure Guides are here to help!

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St. Lucy’s Feast Day: Recipe, Video, and more!

St. Lucy’s Feast Day: Recipe, Video, and more!

We are getting ready to celebrate the Feast of St. Lucy on December 13th!

This feast is sometimes forgotten in the midst of the Advent season and preparations for Christmas. However, this is a fun feast to celebrate with kids and we want to help you!

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Got kids who love to bake? This is for you!

Got kids who love to bake? This is for you!

It’s great that the child is interested in the kitchen, but sometimes we just want to say: “No honey, I just don’t have the energy.” 

Here is our favorite strategy (especially important this time of year!!):

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