In 1849, the universal Feast to the Precious Blood of Jesus was announced by Pope Pius IX in an effort to encourage the faithful to pray for the end of the First Italian War and peace in Rome. Later, Pope Pius X fixed the date of the Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus on the 1st Sunday in July.
After Vatican II, the feast was removed from the calendar, but a votive Mass in honor of the Precious Blood was established and can be celebrated in the month of July so Catholics can reflect on this beautiful image of Jesus’ love for humankind!
Though no longer on the current liturgical calendar, the month of July is traditionally dedicated to the Precious Blood. This dedication is a beautiful way for Catholics to continually remind themselves of Jesus’ immense sacrifice of offering Himself, not only on the Cross but at every Mass.
Here are some ways that your family can honor the Precious Blood of Jesus during the month of July:
First, you can download a coloring page of the Precious Blood of Jesus for your kids! This is an easy way to engage your children in the liturgical year!
Then, you can learn and pray this prayer in the month of July in honor of the Precious Blood of Jesus poured out for our salvation:
The Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within your wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be separated from you.
From the Evil One defend me.
In the hour of my death, call me.
And bid me come to You,
That with all Your saints,
I may praise you forever and ever. Amen.
Finally, spend some time this month renewing your family’s devotion to the Mass. Go to Mass during the week if you are able so you can honor the Precious Blood of Jesus at every Consecration.
We hope you have a prayerful and holy July! Please share this blog with anyone who might be interested in a coloring page for their children!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!