With all the commercialization of Valentine’s Day, it can be easy to forget that it is anything more than a day to eat candy and celebrate romantic relationships.

Don’t forget that Valentine’s Day is most importantly a celebration of St. Valentine and the love he showed his friends and neighbors!

Psst–if you don’t know the story of St. Valentine, you can learn about this Catholic martyr here.

Looking for quick and easy Valentine’s Day cards for your kid’s homeschool coop or class?

We created Catholic Valentine’s Day cards that you can print and color in at home to give to friends and family!

No more running out to the store at the last minute to get 30 cards for the entire class! With 6 cards per sheet, just print out 5 copies of our printable and let your kids do the rest!

Very Young Catholics in Thailand follows two young cousins in their charming village in Thailand! 

Join these cousins as they introduce us to famous stories, traditional dance, and the lively sport of kick volleyball! We visit their rubber farm, participate in their Saint Valentine’s Day Traditions, and join in the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation for forty young students. 

Children LOVE discovering new countries through the eyes of other kids–and the Very Young Catholic series is a perfect way to do just that!

Interested in another country? We have over a dozen to pick from!

For families that can’t buy the whole series at once, you could consider getting what I call “the continent set.” If you get the following books, you can have plenty of wonderful conversations comparing countries from around the world:


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