Pope St. John Paul II once said, “Every generation, with its own mentality and characteristics, is like a new continent to be won for Christ.” Made This Way addresses the “mentality and characteristics” of this generation and makes a valuable contribution toward reclaiming it for the Lord.

+ Cardinal Robert Sarah
Past Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Sorry to have to write this–but all Catholic parents need to be ready for these topics, plus all sorts of other deception in the culture being forced upon us.

At a minimum, this culture is just plain confusing to our children.

At worst, well…

Our friend, Leila Miller, has co-authored another absolute must-have book for every Catholic parent to read and to have on hand in the home.

What’s inside her newest book: Ten hot-button moral errors which are trendy in society at large are addressed clearly from the Catholic understanding of reality, truth, and the dignity of the human person.

Then–and this is what makes the book so great–you get practical suggestions for how to speak on this topic to pre-pubescent children and then how to discuss and explain the truth to teens.

Yes, you will be equipped with different talking points on each topic–one for conversations with younger kids and one for conversations with teens.

Here is what Leila Lawler, creator of the Summa Domestica, said about this book:

Down to earth, informed, and ordered to the nature of the child in different stages of life, Made This Way is a ready aid to parents—both for their own reference on the truth of difficult moral subjects and for the confidence it gives them to know what to say to their kids and what not to say. Leila Miller and Trent Horn offer parents exactly what they need to guide their family with honesty and yes, the delicacy appropriate to the subject matter, in a morally treacherous world. Fathers and mothers, read this book!

Need an example of what is covered in this book? Here is an example of one of the topics that are covered in this important book: How do I talk to my kids about “gender fluidity”?

Another important book for Catholic parents:

If you are a boy mom, Raising Chaste Catholic Men is another important resource for you!

One mom sent us this message:

“Only partly way through this book and it is filled with wisdom for creating a home filled with faith and strength for our times. I’m taking notes and reading this with my husband. Thank you Holy Heroes for keeping your products so relevant and real for families seeking to increase their faith!”

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