There is still time for you to grab a copy for Lent!

Uniquely designed:
It’s a “flip-book” — with English on one side and Spanish on the other.

Same thing, just two languages.

The Holy Heroes Stations of the Cross prayer booklet is based on our best-selling audio CD — broadcast worldwide by EWTN, Ave Maria, and other radio networks every Good Friday since 2010.

This sturdy, bi-lingual 64-page booklet features:

  • An introduction and “How to Pray the Stations of the Cross”
  • Traditional 14 Stations of the Cross, with Stabat Mater (English-only)
  • Prayers for every Station accompanied by poignant artwork to help focus your meditations
  • The “Prayer Before a Crucifix” by St Francis of Assisi as the concluding prayer
  • Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat

Meditations are family-friendly: easily understandable by children but not “watered down.”

Each Station’s closing prayer is written to pierce the hearts of all ages:

direct, clear expressions of personal sorrow and repentance.

Over TEN THOUSAND copies are in Catholic homes, schools, and parishes–people even stock their Adoration Chapels with copies!

Automatic QUANTITY DISCOUNTS beginning at just 10 copies make it perfect for parishes, schools, prayer groups, and clubs.

Here is what people have been saying about our Stations of the Croos booklets:

“Just received my order and I absolutely LOVE the bilingual Stations of the Cross! The illustrations are beautiful and the message at each station is one that is very relatable to the children. Thank you!”

“A wonderful choice of book for your kids learning the stations of the cross for the first time.”

We ordered 40 copies to start with but it was so well received that we ordered 40 more. Our Director of Hispanic Ministries was delighted with the quality of the booklet. They are great for ALL ages. Shipping was very fast!”

“Our preschooler was given a booklet at school. We used it at home one Friday passing it around for the older children to take turns reading. It went so well, to my surprise and delight, that we needed to order a separate booklet for everyone to have their own. We can now use them at home or take them along to do the outdoor Stations at Church.”

I wanted something that was simple enough for children in Kindergarten to understand, but not so simple that teenagers wouldn’t also get value out of it. I think this version of Stations of The Cross fits that bill. “

This prayer booklet is so simple, and at the same time so profound. I used it with my young children (ages 6, 4, 2) in our hallway using pictures of the Stations and they prayed through all of the Stations with me! The beauty and simplicity of the words brought me to tears the first time we prayed it. I am grateful that Holy Heroes has made the Passion so accessible to children without watering it down. I imagine this booklet will become a yearly staple in our Lenten preparations. I’m so grateful for such a great resource to share with my children. “

PS–we also have companion Stations of the Cross posters available!

Find the Stations of the Cross Posters HERE

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