Kids often squirm at Mass…and sigh and complain…because they don’t understand what is going on.

This can be frustrating and discouraging to parents trying to instill a love of the faith in their children.

Never fear! We have created resources to help children learn about and pay attention during Sunday Mass!

Pssst–do you attend the Traditional Latin Mass? Scroll to the bottom to find additional resources.

Here are some of our top-rated resources on the Holy Mass:

Inside the Sacraments: The Holy Mass

Let the Holy Heroes Adventure Guides change the unrest in your pew to wonder, awe, and amazed interest by taking your children step-by-glorious-step through the Holy Mass!

Inside the Sacraments Episode 2 (click HERE for episode 1) is a fascinating journey through the Mass explaining Scripture, history, and tradition (including our Jewish heritage!) in a way that makes the prayers and actions of the priest come alive in the imaginations and hearts of children.

Here are what other parents have said about this DVD:

“You are not afraid of tackling the nuts and bolts of the Faith on a deeper level…it isn’t watered-down, but just simplified.”

“Clear explanation–and also shows good behavior(!)”

“I’m sharing this with my catechists!”

“Amazing job! So much in a way children (and adults) can enjoy and learn!”

“Easy to understand–even for parents who may not know or remember a lot about Mass and the Holy Eucharist.”

The Holy Heroes Adventure Guides (along with Fr. Leopold) explain all the sights, sounds, and actions of the Liturgy so your children can better understand, pay attention, and participate reverently in the Holy Mass!

Children will learn in an unforgettable way:

  • all about the sacred vessels used in the Mass
  • the postures, gestures, and actions of everyone who plays a part in the Mass
  • Angels: how they join us (and we join them!) during the Mass
  • what rituals come to us from our Jewish heritage
  • where we can find prayers and gestures used in the Mass in Sacred Scripture
  • and so much more!

Participating at Holy Mass coloring book

Bring this along to Sunday Mass and keep kids focused (and engaged) during the entire Mass!

We take you step-by-step through:

  • What to do when you enter the church
  • What to look for in the church
  • What to watch for (and why) during Holy Mass
  • What your response is to everything you see and hear during Mass–the words, the gestures, the postures!

With 40 pages of content, this book will help children understand each step of the Mass in greater detail!

Best-Loved Catholic Prayers & Prayers of the Mass Missalette

If you have older kids who may not be interested in coloring (though we still encourage you to get the coloring book for the pictures), this two-books-in-one is a great resource for them! A companion to Glory Stories Vol. 8, this missalette includes all the responses at Mass in addition to 2 dozen of the best-loved Catholic prayers!

Here is what other Catholic parents (and grandparents!) have said:

“A friend gave my grandchildren a copy and not only did it help them understand the mass better, I even learned things about the order of the mass that I didn’t know. I think this is so useful for kids learning the mass and what happens when that I am buying some to donate to my parish for the First Eucharist class and new altar servers.”

“My son just turned six and I had a really hard time keeping him quiet and well behaved during Mass. Since he is getting better at reading he can follow the Mass with this book., he is proud of himself and I can see him getting more excited about being at Mass on Sundays.”

BONUS: Large, size 14-font, so it’s easy for Mom and Dad to read even when it’s held at child’s-eye level!

The Holy Mass: On Earth as it is in Heaven

From the creators of huge best-seller The Catechism of the Seven Sacraments comes another LEGO adventure!

Catholic friends Fulton and Cynthia return for another LEGO adventure through the Holy Mass from the astounding perspective of God’s instructions in the Old Testament and unpacking what Jesus taught His Apostles!

In this vivid comic-book format, this book takes children on a journey through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, explaining where each part of the Mass comes from and why Catholic believe in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! 

Children will learn: 

  • How Moses and the Passover prefigured the first Mass
  • How we received special graces through the Mass
  • What God’s covenant relationship with us continues today 
  • What the deep meaning behind each element of the Mass is
  • and so much more!

We’ve been asked: “So, which Mass is it that is revealed in this book?”

It’s the Holy Mass instituted by Christ that is now celebrated in various rites and liturgical expressions, traditions, languages, and forms (the Catholic Church actually includes six rites which are celebrated in 24 distinct “churches” which are all in union under the divine authority of the successor of Saint Peter).

Yes: regardless of the form of the Holy Mass you may attend, all follow the same foundational structure of worship which God Himself gave to us!

FREE: Holy Heroes Mass Prep

Did you know that Holy Heroes offers a free weekly program to help children prepare for Sunday Mass? 

Every week, you will receive an email with a video about the Sunday Gospel (presented by kids, for kids!) along with printable coloring pages, pre-reader activity sheets, quizzes for older kids, and other bonus content!

And the best part? We offer all these resources completely free!

Parishes–if you are interested in these free resources, please reach out at to learn how you can easily share these with your parish!

We have additional resources that correspond to the Traditional Latin Mass! You can find the complete collection HERE.

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