We are on a mission to share easy habits that can help kids become holy!

Inspired by Carlo Acutis’ “kit” for becoming a saint (8 habits he practiced when trying to become a saintfind it on his prayer card), we have created a “Holy Habits for Kids” segment on the podcast!

But while we have ideas, we LOVE hearing kids call in with their ideas–it’s so fun to hear (and share on the podcast!) what kids are doing every day to strive for sainthood!

Listen in to this episode to hear one of our favorite messages from a young listener (and learn a fantastic Holy Habit you can start doing right NOW):

Here is what we need from YOUR KIDS: we want to hear what holy habits they practice to help them become saints!

Leave us a message telling us your name and the holy habit you practice for a chance to be featured on the podcast–we cannot wait to hear from you!

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