Thanks to Fr. Mike Schmitz and his chart-topping new podcast, this year is quickly becoming the Year of the Bible for Catholics.

But while listening to Fr. Mike read through the first few stories of the Old Testament, I realized that the “adult themes” in these stories are not appropriate for children.

So, how can you share the Bible with your kids this year?

Fortunately, this is not a new question for Catholic parents and celebrated Catholic British author Amy Steedman strove to address this problem in her book Read-Aloud Book of Bible Stories

She collected three dozen stories from the Old and New Testament and wrote them in a way that can show children how the Bible reveals God’s plan of Salvation.

But most important is that these stories are written to be read aloud!

Written in a time when reading aloud as a family was THE entertainment –the author’s engaging “read aloud” style will inspire in your children insights and questions and recollection from the ACTIVE participation that will take place as they listen.

These stories are suited to the limited understanding of young children and they’re proportioned to the immense powers of imagination, leaving them still willing to believe in the truth of good things and marvels they may not yet understand.

Plant in their souls these sweet seeds of truth and beauty.

Not too long from now, you’ll find them blooming into a mature and abiding faith in Jesus!

Some of the Old Testament stories included in this treasury are:

  • The Story of Abraham
  • Jacob and Esau
  • Moses, the Great Leader
  • The Story of the Spies
  • Samuel, the Little Server
  • Jonathan, the Soldier Prince
  • Hezekiah, the Good King
  • Nehemiah, the Warrior Builder

Some of these stories your children will have heard before…and others will be new to them!

Some of the New Testament stories included are:

  • The Boyhood of the King
  • The Parables of Jesus
  • St. Peter and the Angel
  • Saul, the Persecutor
  • St. John, the Beloved Disciple

Teach your children the Story of the Bible this year with the Read-Aloud Book of Bible Stories!

NOTE: Got older kids, like we do now? All ours graduated up to reading The Picture Bible themselves.  This is the Bible which Venerable Fulton Sheen called, “The best introduction to the Bible…or refresher if you haven’t read it in awhile.” We can’t recommend this enough as the first read-it-yourself Bible for all Catholics.

Now, as Catholics, we know that in addition to Sacred Scripture, we also have Sacred Tradition to inform our faith.

For teaching the tenants of Sacred Tradition, there is one other book we use with our kids to give them a “Catholic worldview”

I came across this book as we were “re-organizing” one afternoon.

 “Remember this book?” I asked.

“Yes–that’s the book that made me stop lying,” my son replied.

Not only did this book help my child overcome vice, it helped him cultivate virtue!

It wasn’t the Bible.

It wasn’t the Catechism.

It was this beautiful introduction to our Catholic Faith written in 1936 by Fr. Geoffrey Bliss, SJ.

My Path to Heaven is a mini-retreat in only 12 lessons (!) tailored to ages 8 to 12 (but all ages can benefit!).


Begin the new year with a solid, Christ-centered foundation starting NOW by adding a few lessons each week to your morning or evening prayer time.

It shows children the kinds of life-choices we all have to make and prepares them to make the right ones.
Along the way, it teaches kids the basics of our Faith, explaining man’s Fall, the Nativity, God’s will, Christ’s Passion, the Angels, the Trinity, and the Sacraments.
Plus, from the text and images, your child will also learn about:

— Free will, and how it’s a gift and a great responsibility

— God’s overwhelming mercy and patience

— God’s generosity: why He deserves all of our love

— Heaven: why now is the time to begin seeking it

— The promise of victory to those who try to be holy

— How to avoid the Devil’s snares

— The three ways to make good choices.

— and so much more!

Although it includes beautiful drawings children are sure to love.

This is no childish book.

Unlike so many religious books that talk down to children or trivialize our Faith, My Path to Heaven is:

It acknowledges and speaks to
the deep seriousness that
attentive parents know lies in
the hearts of even the very
youngest children.
It emphasizes proper devotion
and right action, not feelings.
It considers central points of the
Faith and addresses the issues
that face every Christian, even
the youngest.
It speaks reverently of holy
things, inspiring children to
develop reverence toward Jesus,
Mary, and the Saints.

Chapters conclude with
questions to help children review
what they’ve learned, and to
help them choose to strive
for holiness.
Chapters include numerous
Scripture references.
Pictures keep the attention of
the most restless children, as
they discover in them exciting details
about the Faith.

When your children read My Path to Heaven, they will be given a clear, simple, thoughtful presentation of the Faith ideal for forming them in holiness.

Here’s what our family did (with my husband taking the lead): We simply made it an evening retreat for the whole family, just a few nights a week, depending on our hectic schedules.

You see, the book lays out 5 easy steps to follow for each section, all springing from a very detailed and interesting line-art drawing.

The drawing is what helps even the youngest children quiet their minds and think deeply about what is revealed about God and His plans for us in these really ingenious pictures.

This is what families have shared with us about this book:

“This beautiful book has illustrations that light the imagination with the love of Christ and how He does everything to help us on our path back to Heaven. A wonderful book that the whole family can share!”

“We love this book! As with many of Holy Hero’s products, working on this becomes like prayer time with my children. My kids especially like the Where’s Waldo-like pictures. I like the short, simple messages.  This lends itself to an introduction to Lectio Divina.”

“This is an outstanding book that reaches a child’s imagination.  Reading the text Using the questions then having them find the matching items  This format allows 20 minutes of the children interacting and thinking about the path they choose is very important every day of their lives.”

It’s an Ignatian retreat for all ages in your home! Everything is there: you need no specialized additional knowledge!

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