Think back with me for a few moments…to when you were in school, when you were first taught about the horrors of the Holocaust of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis.

Think some more…because if you are from my generation, the Holocaust was emphasized in education–and rightly so–when we were young.

Think of high school and college, too.  I recall it was emphasized in all our modern history classes.

Whenever we were taught about any other purposeful slaughter in any part of the world…we were reminded of the Holocaust as a case study of even modern “educated” man engaging in self-justified large-scale butchery.  

Anytime another group of human persons was somewhere in the world “legally defined” as not fully human and therefore worth less than an animal, therefore unworthy to live, therefore deserving of horrible torturous death–then the teacher would remind the class of the Nazi Holocaust, a contemporary case study of a fully-documented, organized, mass murder of people “legally” targeted for destruction which was justified as serving the “greater good” of society as a whole.  

We were taught that–despite how “legally” these mass killings were conducted–in truth such actions, wherever they occurred, whenever they occurred, were immoral and irrational and should be opposed…just like the Holocaust.

Then later, when I was in law school, I was part of an International Moot Court team that argued a case about a fictitious genocide that was going on in the world somewhere. Again, we referred to the Nazis’ death camps for the Jews.

 Think back with me to your schooling, then recall:
What was the purpose of that education?  

Do you remember being told the purpose was:
So that we will not let it be repeated.”  

So…where are all those people who received that education today?

Those who were educated about the Holocaust and reminded to be sensitive enough and horrified enough to recognize parallels in other places and times so that we would not allow an organized, legal, mass slaughter of human beings to happen again?

What blinds them–despite their education–to recognizing
the organized, legalized, subsidized slaughter
occurring right here, right now?  

When you were in school, did you struggle with this nagging question:

Did many of the people living in Germany know about the death camps? 

Surely, I thought:

“If they had known–then they would have tried to stop it.”

All rational moral considerations resulted in this conclusion even to me, a schoolchild, although I recognized that living in a Fascist dictatorship meant that to object to the slaughter would be to put their own lives at risk.

We have a Holocaust in our own country that is continuing into its fifth decade, tens of millions dead and many more thousands will be killed today and tomorrow. Recently those who “make a living” out of the killing have been recorded discussing the mechanics and operational considerations on film: we now have detailed descriptions in color, with sound, with subtitles, with transcripts. The documentation is easily accessible and viewable for free on the internet worldwide.

We have far surpassed the Nazis in legally dehumanizing the persons to be targeted for elimination, in organizing the executions, documenting the day-to-day operations, and ensuring adequate funding and compensation for the perpetrators.

We have also done what the Nazis never dared to do: publicize it all and hold events to cheerily celebrate “success”–with published statistics.  

The Nazis minimized access to their Holocaust, because they feared what might happen if the details were widely known, despite operating a police state where any objection to the mass murder would usually result in the objector being immediately murdered himself.  If you objected, your silence was purchased with your life itself.

Yet today, we are in living in a Republic, with freedom of speech and all kinds of guaranteed freedoms.  

We don’t risk our lives should we publicly object or take any of the many legal steps to try to end the killing.

Yet, still only a small minority do actually publicly object or take any action. 

What has purchased the silence of the vast majority in our country who were educated to rightly abhor what the Nazis did?

Because no one can say that they “don’t know” anymore.

Think back again to what we learned about Nazi Germany.  

Even in Nazi Germany, the sheer scale of the Holocaust meant that there were many who knew of the death camps, but they preferred to be “personally opposed” privately, not publicly.  Why? They were grateful for the conveniences provided by those who were doing the killing.  

Remember what we learned?
Many disagreed with the “distasteful” Fascist racial policies,
but “at least they made the trains run on time.”    

You’ve certainly heard today’s echo of this moral incoherence, this irrationality:

“But these clinics provide so much good healthcare stuff, too.”  

I guess that while historically some disliked 
standing on train platforms enough to allow others to kill for that convenience,
we moderns don’t like to sit in waiting rooms…so…ditto.

Note that our holocaust today doesn’t have to be hidden far away from population centers at the end of secretive train tracks with armed men and dogs out front. Ours happens just a short drive away from my home and the homes of most Americans.

We can easily find convenient parking where babies are being torn apart, and then their body parts sold to help support our conveniences. 

Some of these babies–we now know–are actually born alive.

We know that they are dissected while their tiny hearts are still beating.

We know that while the Nazis quickly destroyed the evidence of the killing they did “for the good of society,” in our holocaust we convince ourselves that there is “even more good” to be wrung from killing the innocent, so we sell and ship the dead bodies of these legally “subhumans”…knowing full well that their bodies are only of value because they are human beings with human brains, hearts, livers, and, well, complete bodies that are just like our grown-up human bodies…so there’s gotta be some way we can use ’em for our benefit. 

But these victims are “legally” sub-human, so they are legally defined
as being of less value than an animal. 

In my mind, I think of what should happen based on what we have seen openly discussed and recorded on video.  I think of how our soldiers responded to discovering the Nazi death camps, how they scoured the Nazi records, arrested and interrogated the people nearby to find out who was perpetrating what we were taught in school were “crimes against humanity,” remember?

In my mind, I see a police raid, unannounced, with people inside arrested and evidence seized by gloved investigators.

I see something much like what recently happened at two animal shelters nearby where some animals died because of neglect. 

For those victims: armed police pulled up in squad cars, lights flashing.

But for these victims…the police are not coming.

The government is not going to stop this…because laws have been passed to ensure that–legally–this type of human person no longer has the rights we have–legally–guaranteed for animals. 

We must admit to ourselves and our children, that we can no longer play the “If-they-only-knew” game. They know.  They either do not care enough to do anything to stop it, or worse, they support it.

Let me say before I continue:

I do not write this to discourage the stout-hearted, vocal, public activists seeking to change minds through reasoned argument.  I do this myself, constantly.  I have seen remarkable changes in the lives of people when confronted with the truth spoken in love.  I know people who upon learning that birth control pills were abortifacients (that they can kill a conceived baby) have ceased to use them, and I know doctors who have ceased to prescribe them. I have heard a woman cry, “They told me it was nothing–but it’s a baby!” after seeing a picture of an eight week-old “fetus.” I have seen women leave an ultrasound bus resolved that the second beating heart within them is a child to be saved, no longer believing the lie that it is a “glob of cells” like a cancer that had better be destroyed.

Good solid pro-life activism truly saves lives. 

However, I have to admit that I have been too hopeful
in the changes that our actions can bring. 

I have believed too many politicians. I thought the numbers at the marches or in front of the abortion clinics would have an effect on those who know and do not care. I thought that if more people would just show up, if we could just work harder, if we could just DO MORE, then we could stop this holocaust.

I am now convinced that all the pro-life argument and legal action,
while irreplaceable, is simply not enough.
All the education, while useful, is not enough.

Why? Because we are so very clearly NOT dealing with lack of knowledge anymore.  The legal structure of our holocaust is based on irrationality, NOT a mistake in logic, an error of education, or ignorance.

What is needed is not more education of our minds in this world, but the conversion of our hearts to the world to come.

We need to expand the battlefield beyond this world we live in, where demons are allowed to prowl to convince men to choose convenience and selfishness.  We must expand the battlefield to Heaven, where angels bring men to their senses and to Almighty God, where the demons have already been vanquished.

Because it is the demons who hate God’s creation of mankind so much that they convince men to legally define children as not human–even though we know, yes, we all know, that they are!  Our battle is a spiritual one, with angels of darkness, not with men whose minds they have made weak with sin and the glamour of lies.

It is because the spiritual battlefield of God and His angels has been neglected that the battlefield on earth of the demons against mankind is being lost.

If we truly want change, and I know most who read this do, we need to be on our knees in prayer, even more than we are now. We cannot overcome the devil of irrationality and lies in the minds of so many without focusing now–at this critical juncture when no one can claim they “do not know”–on calling down the Truth and the Life into their hearts and souls.

  We must work, but we must pray even more.
We must believe in the power of prayer and sacrifice,
and we must not let a day go by
when we ignore the smoke from those chimneys.

I know with a family it is often hard to keep praying ardently day after day.

So, we think we’ve come up with an EASY way to help you pray-pray-pray everyday.

This method is not my idea, but the idea of a man whose intercession from heaven literally brought a still-born baby back to life!

Yes:  It’s the “Spiritual Adoption” which was created by Venerable Fulton Sheen over 40 years ago. 

It is simple, but it requires perseverance and focus.

Let us help you with our online Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure–it is easy, it is FREE of charge, and it reminds you and teaches your children while it helps your family persevere in prayer.  

Our next “Adventure” begins on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8th), so please register online here right away:

You may be concerned about your younger children praying for this intention–so read this:

Many years ago, when the truth about abortion dawned on our eldest child, it seemed to turn her world on its head, “You mean that no one can stop this? We need to do something to stop this!” 

Being just a child, there was no activity she could participate in to end abortion, there was no way for her to right this injustice that had intruded upon her innocence–except prayer.  And pray she did, using just this Spiritual Adoption.  We prayed as a family, with her younger siblings, and praying gave her, and us, peace. Our prayers, in fact, did more than give us peace–they gave us JOY in the face of what could have been so scary for her.  The excitement of asking the Holy Family to care for a baby in the womb, to bring that baby to birth and life here on earth was exciting and fun!

And those faith-filled, joyful prayers are real and used by God to turn the hearts of our children and others to Him. 

That’s why we think your family will also find peace and joy through our Holy Heroes Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure.  We have prayed in our home for years, then we thought of offering this program to help other families pray, too.

We must remember that while pro-life work is important, it is God who works the miracles. It is God who works the miracles through our hands, and it is also God who works miracles (even more!) through our prayers. 

And one last thing that these prayers do:

It helps us recognize something that we were never taught in school, the part that was missing from all the teaching about the Holocaust…why all the education my generation and others received has NOT prevented genocide “from ever happening again.”

What was it that we were not taught?

That to enlist other human persons in action against evil
is virtuous and necessary…but it is simply not sufficient.   

When evil is finally revealed in the open,
when we can no longer say, “We did not know,”
then we see that to end the “legal” killing
created by men and supported by the inaction of other men
we must enlist the spiritual powers commanded by Almighty God.

We hope you join us in our prayers!

Kerri Davison

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