Earlier this month, our Diocese had several men ordained!

As we celebrated our new priests, I realized that these men had to immediately prepare homilies for their first masses the next morning (though, I am sure, many already had theirs written)!

This got me thinking–have you ever thought about how much time your parish priest spends writing homilies? 

Here is an idea that someone gave us last year: why not give your parish priest this Catholic fun fact book to help him with writing his homilies???  

And what makes this book even better–we are giving it away FREE with any order!

This book is full of Catholic fun facts that even your parish priest might not know.
He will love having these facts in his back pocket to grab people’s attention at the beginning of his homilies–seriously, some of these fun facts surprised us!

See if you’re surprised by these Catholic fun facts–take the quiz:

Seriously, your parish priest will LOVE this book (and maybe get an extra one to have around your house too)!

Browse the Holy Heroes store (make sure to check out the DEAL of the DAY) for unique Catholic games (small enough to be packed for a road trip!), the #1 “mom recommended” Rosary aid for littles,
and so much more!

Shop and score a fun gift for your parish priest–he will be surprised to get a gift during the summer!

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