“So many people offer the free print, color, and cut Jesse Tree ornaments and we love the idea and have tried them. But this sticker one makes it so much simpler! Read, peel, and stick- LOVE!”

“Can’t wait to start the Jesse tree. With little ones always pulling off the Jesse tree ornaments each year, I finally feel confident that we’ll get through the whole advent with a full Jesse tree. Thank you for an easy way to make it a success this year.”

“In years past, we had an elaborate Jesse tree. This year, we are expecting our 7th child and this sticker version seemed like the perfect way to still do the Jesse tree without all the prep work. And what child doesn’t like stickers?!”

“I’ve ordered this product last year and also this year. I use it for my grandson and I gave the other Jesse poster to my grandson’s teacher to share with her class.”

“This is the perfect little activity to help our advent season start right this year. Thank you all.”

Truly–the easiest Jesse Tree ever.

Hang the poster on the fridge and have your kids add a sticker each day for the Jesse Tree ornament.

Perfect for small children who love stickers!

Each sticker includes the Scripture citation for the day, plus bonus stickers for the “O Antiphons” and some other Advent-y stickers just for fun!

We offer FREE daily Jesse Tree ornament explanation videos on Advent Adventure!

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