This week includes a special note for MOMS about Holy Week–you don’t want to miss!

Listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or YouTube!

Right now, we are automatic upgrading all Paschal Candle Kits to 2-3 day shipping so you can still receive them before Easter!

Select the cheapest shipping and we will automatically send your Paschal Candle Kit
with 2-3 day shipping!

Order your Paschal Candle Kit and start this lovely Easter tradition!

Psstt–grandparents, this is a wonderful gift for your grandchildren (and a great activity for Easter).

We just released our Palm Sunday Triptych–print it HERE.

Then, you can also download our Lenten Triptych for Good Friday and our Easter Triptych for Easter Sunday!

Also NEW for Holy Week 2024: our Tenebrae Service At-Home Download.

And if haven’t downloaded our Good Friday Gospel Coloring Companion, you can do it now and use it year after year.

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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