There’s a hidden pocket of time in your schedule that (if used) can revolutionize your family.

Car time.

How many hours a week are you in the car with your kids?

Even if you stick to the minimum of to and from church, the grocery store, and possibly school (depending on the ages of the kids and the style of your family), that is still a large chunk of time when your family is confined to one place…together.

What if we could use that time to have deep conversations with your children?

Rather than just writing this time off as “lost” or zoning out while kids bicker in the back seats, use this limited time together to engage your children.

Now, I know it can be difficult to summon the energy to come up with thoughtful questions or insights during the busy time of caring for lots of young children.

So, here is my tip that has been echoed by hundreds of other mothers:

Pop in a Glory Story and watch as the children quiet to listen to these inspiring stories.

Once you have listened (and perhaps dried your eyes as one mother told us she had to after listening to this story), ask your kids one of these easy questions:

  • What was your favorite part of the story?
  • Can you think of a time that we had a conversation like this saint had with his mother/father?
    • YES–we almost always include each saint as a child! We know this makes the biggest impact on kids!
  • How was this saint’s life like yours?
  • What do you think you could do today to imitate the life of this saint?
  • How can you be a good friend the way this saint was?

After listening to these stories, you will be AMAZED at how much kids want to talk!

Again and again, we receive emails from parents who are blown away by the insightful and frankly beautiful conversations they have with their kids after listening to Glory Stories. 

Here are just a few (seriously, we have HUNDREDS) of messages we have received from parents:

“I wanted to share with you that, a few weeks ago, I fulfilled a long-held dream by placing an order with Holy Heroes for ALLL the Glory Stories CDs! We started by listening to Bl. Carlo Acutis’ Glory Story last week. Now my two younger daughters and I are all aflame with fresh zeal and inspiration to strive for sanctity with all our might! I had slipped away from daily Mass, just going once a week during the week, but now I’m back to multiple times a week because of his example. My 9 and 11 year girls are all in, volunteering to go to daily Mass more often with me because they want to, even when I made it optional for them. Thanks so much for all you and your family do to spread the faith through your domestic church!”

“I am so impressed by what each Glory Story inspires in my five children. Since we started listening to them, my children have started praying the Rosary more (spontaneously on their own) and speak now of the glory of martyrdom. Though these are also things we’ve fostered in our home, the Glory Stories made it come alive for them. “

“This set of Glory Story CD’s is HANDS down one of my most favorite Catholic resources that I have invested in for my children’s faith formation! I believe that it is worth EVERY PENNY spent and then some. The stories are beautifully told and engaging for the entire family – both young and old! We have all learned so much about the lives of the saints as these CD’s truly bring the stories alive and help to truly get to know these heroes of our faith!”

“My 6-year-old and I listen to the Saint stories in the van while running errands. She asks to listen to them whenever we’re in the car. I grew up as a protestant and did not have the benefit of the Saints. I am so excited to learn with my daughter. Thank you Holy Heroes for not only sharing the Saint stories but teaching about the faith as well.”

“We tried out the first two Glory Stories while driving together in the van. We were thrilled with how well these stories were told and how much all of our kids (ages 8 down to 2) loved listening to them. They were constantly requesting to hear these saint stories. So we decided to make the investment and buy the entire set and we are so happy we did. The saints feel like they come alive during the audiobooks and our children are drawn to the saints and to their virtues. These have become some of my very favorite Catholic resources for my kids!

“Really great stories of the saints. My kids can’t get enough. I love how the stories weave catechesis of the Bible and church teachings in the stories as well. Really well-crafted product.”

“We received a Glory Story CD as a gift a few months ago before Christmas and were so blown away by the stories and the quality of the production that we had to buy the rest of the stories for Christmas! These CDs aren’t just entertainment, they are immeasurable blessings for our journey that may help form the hearts of our growing children into loving images of God.”

I could keep going…I could share more and more emails, messages, reviews, and phone calls (yes, people even CALL us to share the impact these stories have had on their children).

As we begin Lent, we are offering our COMPLETE SET OF GLORY STORIES for $50 off to make it possible for more families to share these stories with their kids.

We hope that you will take advantage of your car time this Lent to inspire your children to fall in love with the saints and the God they adore:

PS–we’ve had a few mothers reach out to us to say that this time is “car schooling” for their families. They have cited how impactful our audio Stations of the Cross are because someone else leads the prayer while they concentrate on the road. They have also specifically mentioned that our Glory Stories have helped them fulfill religion, social studies, and/or history lessons while driving!

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