Holy Heroes is our family business so I feel like I need to ask this:
We have an urgent prayer intention that is breaking my heart and requires drastic divine intervention.
We are mid-novena to Saint Jude for his intercession. We have already felt the prayers of so many of you. Thank you.
Please pray for us–to anyone in Heaven (especially St. Jude, St. Joan of Arc, and St. Michael).
Second: We have a serious business need for donations (click HERE to help) now to cover the bills due for all the free programming we provide.
** Lenten Adventure just completed was our largest ever–offered free worldwide.
** Sunday Mass Prep email list is the largest it has ever been, and we have added more free components–and offered it also free to Flocknote to reach new parishes.
** Holy Heroes Podcast has already reached the top 5% of all podcasts worldwide since launching March 13th (episode 11 just released).
** Summer Faith Adventure is also now open for registration.
How much are we looking at needing and how soon?
Well, we have one $26,000 bill due on Monday, plus a bunch of other end-of-month bills to pay next week. Time is of the essence!
Each weekly podcast episode costs us $875:THANK YOU to families who have already supported this! If you could cover that whole amount we would mention your family in our podcast–we’ll even call you and put your voices on the show (if you would like!)
Please: Every donation of any amount helps (as you can imagine):
$10, $20, $100, $500 or more helps us cover the costs of all the people and technology and time it takes to provide so much for Catholic families to help bring the joy of the Faith to their families during these difficult times.
We don’t ask for donations very often, but we do need them now. You know we will use well whatever you can offer.
Think back: Have you benefited from any of our free online programs?
If every family which participated in any of our free “Adventures” or free weekly MassPrep donated something–you would be a life-saver.
Advent Adventure, Lenten Adventure,
Summer Faith Adventure,
Marian Consecration Family Adventure,
Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure.
My Path to Heaven at-home Family Retreat,
weekly Sunday MassPrep
–we offer them all free, but they are not free to us.
Click here to donate any amount.
Thank you for helping us in these urgent needs. May God bless you and yours!

Kerri is the co-founder of Holy Heroes and the creator of the “Adventures” they offer free online. She has graduate degrees in history and law. She now homeschools the two children still at home (having successfully sent the six oldest children off to college).
I wish I could donate, but I have no money.
However I encourage you to continue. I enjoy your creative offerings. I am sure they help many families.