Did you know that Holy Heroes offers a free weekly program to help children prepare for Sunday Mass? 

Every week, you will receive an email with a video about the Sunday Gospel (presented by kids, for kids!) along with printable coloring pages, pre-reader activity sheets, quizzes for older kids, and other bonus content!

And the best part? We offer all these resources completely free!

Parishes–if you are interested in these free resources, please reach out at customerservice@holyheroes.com to learn how you can easily share these with your parish!

Check out the Sunday Gospel video below to see what you expect when you sign up for Sunday Mass Prep!

Plus–when you sign up for Sunday Mass Prep, you will also receive bonus content for solemnities and other feast days during the week!

Check out one of these bonus videos below:


Thousands of Catholic families participate in this program every week so join us! We would love for more Catholic families to have access to these resources!

Are you a DRE or teacher who needs the weekly content early (so you can prep lessons or share with volunteers), check out our Mass Prep Early Access program. You can learn more about this program and how to get our Mass Prep resources early!

This program is an easy way for you to have classroom resources each Sunday!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

Enter your email address to receive free daily activity downloads and videos all through Lent!

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