What is a ghost? And what do you SAY if you see one?

This video is especially applicable today!

Share this video with your family today and learn what the Church actually TEACHES about ghosts:

Mentioned in this video:

As mentioned: offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the best thing you can do to help a poor soul in Purgatory–so act TODAY to include all your deceased loved ones in this upcoming Novena of Masses for the Dearly Departed. Fr. Gallagher is offering a Novena of Masses for poor souls in Purgatory–beginning November 1 (!)–and hopes that many, many souls will enter Heaven as a result of these Masses.

Another thing that you can do from home is offer a Plenary Indulgence for the poor souls in Purgatory. There is a unique opportunity in the first eight days of November for you to offer a Plenary Indulgence for poor souls.

Print this cheat sheet for the steps to fulfill this indulgence:

PS–are you ready for this next liturgical season? Check out our Jesse Tree for Dummies Guide and our #1 best-selling Advent Candle Kit.

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