If you missed the last marriage workshop, the next one opens on June 4th! Make sure you register HERE for this FREE Marriage Workshop.
Maybe at the beginning of the year, you saw my blog: Don’t have time for a marriage retreat? Neither do we (so here’s an idea)
We received a huge amount of feedback from that blog post (comments, emails, and more) from couples who also joined us in this free online Catholic Marriage Workshop.
If you missed this marriage workshop in January, Little Way of Marriage is offering the same marriage workshop again this May! You can sign up HERE or keep reading to see why thousands of Catholic couples joined us in January:
Here is why we signed up for this Marriage Workshop:
While running a family business and raising 8 children, it seems like life is always “too busy” for something like a marriage retreat.
Now that we’re down to the “last few kids” at home, we thought things would start to slow down.
With grandbabies in the mix and now needing to travel to see adult children (who have their own busy schedules of their own—some of our kids’ lives make me tired just wondering how we ever had the energy when we were younger….), life is still as busy as ever.
Okay, so a traditional weekend-long marriage retreat is probably not happening for us during this stage of life.
Then a friend put us in touch with another friend, Sarah Bartel, a month or so ago and invited us to join The Little Way of Marriage: Catholic Marriage Workshop.
This Catholic Marriage Workshop is a FREE online program for Catholic Married couples. This 4 part program runs now through January 20th (yup, it has already begun and we are JUST now starting so don’t worry about starting late).
Through 4 videos (also available in an audio format for listening while getting tasks done or driving) released throughout the month of January, Nathan and Sarah Bartel share how you can grow as a couple through prayer, acts of service, and commitment growing together as a married couple.
Each video is accompanied by a PDF download to help you dive deeper as well as access to a discussion board if you’d like to see tips or suggestions from other Catholic couples.
In the first video, the Bartels share a formula that couples can use to pray together (something that less than 10% of Christian couples report doing). The Bartels are vulnerable about their experience at about 10 years of marriage when they faced some tough life circumstances and needed a reset in their marriage. They were taught a way of praying together that they are now hoping to share with as many other Catholic couples as possible.
Wives: Sarah specifically shares what it was like to worry that her husband would not be up for learning how to pray together as a couple. She offers specific encouragement for the wives who feel like their husbands will not be interested.
Husbands: Nathan specifically shares what it was like to feel apprehensive about trying a new style of prayer that made him uncomfortable and might risk not meeting Sarah’s expectations.
The Bartels will share how to use this type of prayer (the single most profound thing they have done for their marriage) through this first video while is accompanied by a PDF printable to help you do this in your marriage.
The Bartels also share the most common thing they pray for—it is laughter in the home!
What a beautiful thing to pray for and not something that neither Kerri or I can ever recall praying for in our own home! We have been inspired to add that to our regular prayer intentions.
Might I add that since this Marriage Workshop is inspired by St. Therese, you can download our St. Therese coloring pages so your kids have something to do while you and your spouse watch this video together? You can also download the MP3 Glory Story of St. Therese to keep your kids entertained.
So, join us in this Marriage Workshop and complete the four videos to help strengthen and grow in your marriage alongside your spouse.
We may even suggest this marriage workshop to some of our busy married children!
PS– If you decide to partake in this FREE workshop, could you please take a moment right now to just comment below “We’ll try it” or something like that? Thanks!

Ken Davison created Glory Stories, which became a weekly radio series heard globally on the Ave Maria Satellite Radio Network and EWTN’s radio network, WEWN. In 2007, he and his wife, Kerri, founded Holy Heroes–and their children stepped in to help shortly thereafter to create the online “Adventures” for Advent, Lent, Spiritual Adoption, and Marian Consecration.
Thank you for the information about this. Signed up for it and also the communication component of it. Just made 30 years married.
Just registered! Thank you for sharing this resource with all of us. This is something that I’ve been praying for in our marriage, as we head into our 14th year of married life (23 years as a couple).
We will try it. Fondly recall our engagement retreat. God bless!
Love the plan to pray for laughter!
Just signed up. Thank you.
I heard about this retreat through Catholic Sprouts and joined right away. I’m so happy to hear of your experience and how beneficial it has been. I’m looking forward to integrating the special prayer with my husband and transforming our home by God’s grace.
Thank you so much for sharing! It’s exactly what we need. I am going through a lot of health issues and we 3 young children so a retreat is not possible. We have been married 13 years and have had our share of ups and downs. We can definitely use a strengthening of our marriage right now.
We will be praying for you and all couples.
Exactly what I need. Thankyou St Therese! 7children and 14yrs married.
We would like to try it. Could not access the sign up for it with the link.
Hi Suzanne—this link should bring you to the registration page: http://www.littlewayofmarriage.com/holyheroes
We can’t make the live dates, but purchased the lifetime access. Looking forward to it!
Fantastic!! And remember that with the lifetime access, you can also submit questions through the question box that we will answer in the recorded Q/A calls, so our answers will be waiting for you!
We’ll try it! Married almost 13 years and 5 kids later!
Yay! We’re glad you are going to join us! Be sure to let us know how it goes for you.
After 56+ year of marriage and raising 7 kids, now with 20 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild, we’ll give it a whirl.
We can’t wait for you to join us in the workshop!
Hooray for you! We’re aiming for that many years of marriage–and only now starting with the grandchildren! May God bless you and your entire brood!