Don’t worry–we didn’t lose internet or have a printer mail us 2,000 books with the pages out of order (yup, that happened with this book–but it’s fixed now!).
Instead, we just received news that we will be receiving two very, VERY big shipments within the next few weeks (one of which is THIS BOOK so make sure you pre-order so you can be first in line to receive it).
We have been scrambling to make space in the office for hundreds of boxes! We have been stacking and rearranging all day…we even have boxes in the bathroom.
This leads me to the point of this blog:
We need to make space for all these boxes that will be arriving. Can you help us?
We have TWO things taking up A LOT of space right now but we don’t want to move them to a storage unit because they are best-selling Advent resources!

So rather than us having to move them back and forth to storage, can you order your Advent Candle Kit today? A huge thank you to the hundreds of people who have already ordered their Advent resources (that cleared out some space!), but it would be incredibly helpful if we could get another chunk sent out early!
So–order your Advent Candle Kit and help us make space in the office! If you’d prefer a non-flammable option, check out this one (made from genuine LEGO® bricks).
While you’re at it, you can also order other Advent resources that you may need! You can check out 7 Essential Advent Resources blog for ideas!
Now, here is the other thing taking up space in the office: The Road to Bethlehem Game.
Every Advent and Christmas, we ship hundreds of this fast-moving strategy game to families!

With shipping prices INCREASING on October 2nd, this game is going to become expensive to ship. And it is taking up space!
If you are considering adding this game to your collection for Advent or Christmas, order yours today!
And while you are ordering games, this is another game that will become more expensive to ship after October 2nd. Make sure you check it out!
Thank you for helping us make space in our office for all the new products and resources that will be arriving very soon! Make sure you subscribe to our blog to learn when NEW products arrive:
Now that you’re thinking about Advent, here are some past blogs you might enjoy:
Why (and 4 Ways How) to do an easy Advent Jesse Tree
An Advent Hope: Christmas Pudding Recipes from the Author!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!
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